How to Protect Elbows in in Yoga
- 1). Start by sitting in a comfortable, cross-legged position on your mat (Sukhasana). Extend your arms straight forward, shoulders width distance apart, so the palms face each other. Now turn the palms to face the floor and "lock out" your elbows. If you notice your arms form a kind of reverse "L-shape" that means you have a large "carrying angle." Anthropologists believe this is more common in women to assist them to carry infants and children. Men can have a carrying angle, too.
- 2). Locking out your elbows with your arms extended is not hazardous as this is a non-weight bearing position. Protect your elbows by learning how to use your upper arm muscles (triceps) and inner arm muscles (biceps.) Make a loop with your yoga strap and place it around your arms so that when you separate your arms apart shoulders-width distance apart, there is tension in the strap. Microbend the elbows and roll the triceps underneath you and rotate the biceps outward. Firming these muscles will prevent hyperextension in the elbows.
- 3). Move to a weight-bearing pose in Table Pose by coming to hands and knees. Make sure your shoulders are directly over your wrists and the hips directly over the knees. Spread each palm so the fingertips have equal space between them. Line up the crease of each wrist to line up with the top edge of your mat. Dial the inner crease of each elbow to face the center. Pressing the four corners of each palm into the mat, draw your inner arm muscles forward (biceps) and outer arm muscles under (triceps) as you did with the yoga strap. Rest. Repeat until you can maintain this alignment.
- 4). Use these same actions in Downward Facing Dog by stepping the feet back and straightening the legs. Glance at the elbows to make sure you are not "locking out" the elbows at the elbow joints. Remain for five to eight breaths. Rest by taking your knees down. Repeat. Rest.
- 5). Working all these same actions in the arms in a modified push-up will greatly protect your elbows in all arm balance. Start in Table Pose, on hands and knees. Make sure your elbow crease is dialed to the center, not the front of your mat. Engage your lower abdominal muscles by just lightly drawing the lower belly in. Maintain that action as you bend the elbows and lower your chest with control to the floor, hovering above it. Press into the hands to return to Table Pose. Did you keep your triceps and biceps working to not lock out your elbows? If you could not, repeat Table Pose until you can. If you did, repeat the modified push-up three to five more times. Rest. This work will engage the arm muscles responsible for keeping your elbow joints stable.