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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Alternative Liver Cancer Treatment and You
A lot of reports suggest that alternative liver cancer treatments have proven to be very effective. These therapies can work along with the conventional treatments. Conventional treatments though are ...More...
Understanding Geraldine Ferraro's 'Blood Cancer'
WebMD Asks the Experts About Multiple Myeloma and Thalidomide...More...
Do Colon Cancer Natural Remedies Really Work?
There are few natural remedies out there that really have a chance of helping you beat colon cancer. Most are either too expensive or just plain hard to do and unfortunately most just don't get to the root of the problem that caused you to have colon cancer in the first place....More...
Wigs For Cancer Patients Keep Patients Looking Great
If you or someone that you are close to is currently going through cancer treatment therapy then you for sure know what a real struggle it is. With so much going on and priorities being so drastically reorganized, the fact that their hair has fallen out can be easily overlooked when it doesn't ...More...
Throat Cancer Symptoms- Know Which Ones To Look Out For
Throat cancer symptoms are amongst the least difficult to recognize. Throat related cancer is a wide term that includes upper esophageal and cancer larynx cancer. Cancer in throat is associated to many different causes which ... ...More...
Melanoma Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Patient Information [NCI]-Stages of Melanoma
After melanoma has been diagnosed, tests are done to find out if cancer cells have spread within the skin or to other parts of the body. The process used to find out whether cancer has spread within the skin or to other parts of the body is called staging. The information gathered from the staging p...More...
Cancer Patient's Health Affected by Spouse's Mood
A depressed caregiver raises odds of depression in ill loved one, too, study shows...More...
Alternative Cancer Cures - The Validity of Alternative Therapies
There are hundreds of unofficial therapies that promise to cure cancer. Most likely almost all of these have some validity in the sense that the basic principles on which they hold are fairly sensible...More...
Checking for Testicular Cancer
For many men diagnosed with testicular cancer, they attribute it to pure luck that they found out. There are a number of atypical symptoms when examined together would normally raise a red flag. However, quite a few men are likely to ignore these symptoms when they are not experienced together....More...
Coffee Drinking and Cutaneous Melanoma Risk
Coffee contains numerous bioactive compounds, but does drinking it prevent melanoma?...More...
Colon Cancer
Our body is a complex system. It consists of many parts of the body that supporting to each other. To support our life, the body has several important systems such as blood system and also ... ...More...
Must-Have Tools for Surviving in the Wild
A person needs the correct tools to survive in the wild. A plane may go down in a deserted wilderness, with all communications down. Until the crew and passengers are discovered missing and a rescue team sets out to finds them, the missing people need food and water -- and a way to acquire it. Wheth...More...
Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancers and Stromal Cells
Learn more about how physiologic and/or biological events during lactation impact pregnancy-associated breast cancers....More...
Ipilimumab in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin in SCLC
This study enrolled patients with ED-SCLC as well as those with advanced NSCLC. Results for the ED-SCLC cohort are presented here....More...
Adult Brain Tumors Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Patient Information [NCI]-General Information About
An adult brain tumor is a disease in which abnormal cells form in the tissues of the brain. There are many types of brain and spinal cord tumors. The tumors are formed by the abnormal growth of cells and may begin in different parts of the brain or spinal cord. Together,the brain and spinal cord mak...More...
Esophageal Surgery and Its Complications
A cancer that takes place in the esophagus, a hollow, long tube presents from your throat to your stomach, is termed as esophageal cancer. This tube helps in carrying food you swallow to your stomach ... ...More...
Walk Away from Colon Cancer
Health professionals and public service announcements are always urging us to walk more. How am I supposed to know when I've walked enough? A study published by the American College of Sports Medicine has the answer....More...
Mesothelioma Patients Can Survive Past Five Years
Mesothelioma, the rare but deadly cancer of the mesothelium caused by asbestos exposure, is often fatal within a year of diagnosis. But thanks to better diagnostic tools, including the use of some newly-identified biomarkers to ... ...More...
Three Forms Of Lung Surgery, And What They Mean
There are three major forms of lung surgery, each with their own terminology. Understanding the different types of lung surgery may make you more comfortable about your own lung surgery, and will allow you to discuss procedures and options more easily with your doctor. The three main types of lung s...More...
Can Antioxidants Prevent Cancer?
What are antioxidants?How do they work?Can they prevent cancer?Learn the answers to these questions in this article....More...
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