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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Cancer and the Useless Poisonous Cures

Cancer patients are subjected to a barrage of cutting-edge medical treatments -- surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy, etc.How effective are these? Like in casino gambling --many patrons tried their luck --some win but many more lost....More...

Birth Size and Colorectal Cancer Risk

Do you remember what your birth length was? Me neither. Never really had a reason to. But a study published in the journal Gut has made those seemingly-useless baby stats relevant to our adult lives....More...

Secret Weapons To Fight Prostate Cancer

There are many alternative cancer therapies outside the realms of the conventional treatments, which include things like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. While the focus of these treatments is to get rid of the cancer, the alternative therapies work more on strengthening the body's defenses...More...

Colon Cancer Complications

According to the American Cancer Association, more than 90% of the individuals that are diagnosed with colon cancer complications are over the age of 50. It's not contagious, but some people are more likely to develop it than others. Certain risk factors include: age, family history of colon cancer...More...

The Warning Signs of Mesothelioma Lung Cancer

Anyone who has ever worked in the construction trades, factories, mines, or shipyards that used asbestos products between the years of 1940-1979 need to know of possible exposure to asbestos and the d...More...

Popular Pap Test May Cause False Results

Women who take birth control pills may be more likely to get inaccurate results indicating the presence of abnormal cells or early cancer of the cervix when their doctors use the most popular type of Pap test, suggests a new study....More...

Better Prostate Health Through a Better Diet

Studies have linked poor diet to higher rates of prostate cancer. But do you know the surprising things you can eat or drink that may well lower your risk of developing this dreaded disease?...More...

Neurological Based Cancer Complications

If you suffer from systemic cancer, it is important to understand that there are many neurological based cancer complications that may occur. As a matter of fact, neurological challenges are quite common when it comes to cancer patients. These issues most often occur once a patient has undergone che...More...