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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Multiple Myeloma Treatment

Multiple myeloma is a cancer that affects the plasma cells of bone marrow. There is no definitive cause, however, it may be genetic in nature, according to the Mayo Clinic. Treatment is varied, and is typically only necessary when symptoms are present....More...

H. Pylori Has Mixed Role in Cancer

A bacterium that causes ulcers also increases the risk of cancer of the lower stomach, but it seems to protect against cancer of the upper stomach that includes the junction of the esophagus, researchers from the National Cancer Institute report....More...

Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma

WebMD explains the causes, symptoms, and treatment of small lymphocytic lymphoma, a cancer that affects a type of white blood cell called a "lymphocyte," which helps your body fight infection....More...

Do Bras Increase Breast Cancer?

There is a link between bras and breast cancer. The main link is that 80% of women wear the wrong-sized bra. Most of other supposed connections are myths....More...

Chronic leukemia and leukemia symptoms

leukemia symptoms:The negative detail about chronic leukemia is that it always exhibits no symptoms that may give he patient an notion about his affliction. It's frequently uncovered througho...More...

Melanoma Photo: Irregular Borders

In this skin cancer photo gallery, see photos of melanoma and other types of skin cancer. In this photo, you will see a case of melanoma, characterized by an abnormal mole. ...More...

Malignant Melanoma

A melanoma is a cancerous tumor that starts in melanin-generating cells (color-giving pigment). Once thought of as a rare disease, the yearly frequency of melanoma has increased noticeably. ...More...

Questions About Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is most often associated with older white men. However, women who receive a diagnosis of bladder cancer often find that the illness is farther advanced than it is in men. Bladder cancer is serious and should not be ignored. In many cases, treatment for this type of cancer includes sur...More...

Rapid Weight Loss ' Become Slim Fast The Sustainable Way

Other Discounts: you are entitled to discounts if you've installed anti-theft devise permitted by ARAI or you're an associate of the identified automobile organization. For newbies make an effort to advance from there and last 30 seconds.My homepage ... Trim Down Club...More...

Secrets of Relaxation For Cancer Patients

We all know what relaxation means, don't we? Actually few of us know what it means though everyone thinks that they understand the word. Oddly enough relaxation is the gradual lengthening of muscle fibres. None of our muscles can work without muscular tension and without our muscles working we ...More...

Dealing With the Symptoms of Colitis

Colitis can be a painful and embarrassing condition. However, it can even be life threatening if allowed to reach a cancerous state. If you or a loved one have this condition, here are some things you need to know....More...

Why Pancreatic Cancer Is Dangerous

The pancreas is a small organ located inside the stomach. It is mainly responsible for two functions performed in the body. The pancreas is divided into to two parts, the exocrine and endocrine. The exocrine ... ...More...

Protein Extraction For Western Blotting

Protein extraction is an important step for Western Blotting in cancer research. The proteins from samples (cancer cell line) need to be extracted efficiently without degradation....More...

Potential Mesothelioma Therapy in a Spice

The major component in the spice turmeric may help treat drug resistant pleural mesothelioma. Researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit have been studying the effects of the compound, known as curcumin, on mesothelioma cells ... ...More...

Coping with Prostate Cancer Pain

Coping with prostate cancer pain, or the pain that can sometimes result from prostate cancer treatments, can be one of the most difficult aspects of life with prostate cancer....More...