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Lose Weight : Health & Medical

Simplest Training To Reduce Tummy Fat Quickly

There are a lot of folks who believe doing tons of crunches is going to get rid of that ugly belly fat. Well, it just doesn't work that way. Here are three routines that will help in developi...More...

Does Losing Weight Have to Be a Battle?

Weight loss is not difficult, but it is made to seem so by the huge amount of misinformation that is out in the world. One simple thing you can do to make weight loss easy is by being easy on yourself. Find out how and why this makes a huge difference - possibly the difference between success and fa...More...

Use Obesity Herbal Treatment To Reduce Excess Body Fat

Some of the common causes for obesity are genetics, age, race, overeating, lack of physical activity, thyroid or pituitary gland disorders, hormonal imbalance, etc. Obesity if not controlled at early stage can lead to serious health hazards like heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart failu...More...

Natural Ways to Boost Progesterone

A deterioration in progesterone levels is one of the first signs of impending menopause. This may happen years before the actual cessation of menstruation. The body is designed for levels of progesterone and estrogen to be in harmony. If progesterone levels are low and are coupled with an estrogen d...More...

Holiday Diet Tips - Celebrate Without Adding Weight

The average person gains 4-6 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day.Avoid packing on the pounds this holiday season without dieting.These common sense tips will help you keep your weight under control while enjoying the celebrations of the season....More...

How to Lose Weight Quickly

Weight loss is simply getting rid of unused energy stored up in the body as fat. The body needs calories to operate smoothly but when we take in more calorie than the body requires, it is stored up as fat in the body....More...

Path to Find Help About Fat Loss

It is not easy to find fat loss help. When you become concerned about your weight and try to find help to drop some kilos the first thing you shall do is to ask people. ... ...More...


The Kalahari Desert is a harsh desert, but biologically a very active one. South Africa, Angola, Namibia and Botswana border the desert. The native tribe, known as San or Bushman by the white South Africans, is one of the oldest living tribes in the world, may be as old as 100,000 years. Even then, ...More...

3 Ensaladas Para Bajar De Peso

Si sólo tendrias que elegir una comida para bajar de peso, sería la ensalada? Yo estaría dispuesto a apostar que la mayoría de ustedes dijerón que sí. Esto no es del todo una respuesta equivocada y yo te diré por qué....More...

Nutrisystem Online Weight Loss Program - Can It Help You Lose Weight?

The Nutrisystem online weight loss program involves eating portion-controlled snacks, entrees, and desserts. More people find this program more appealing compared to other meal-replacement diets because they are still allowed to eat real food and are still able to lose weight. Furthermore, it teache...More...

Weight Loss Tips and the Best Weight Loss Pills

When you are trying to lose weight, no matter what the amount, it is a tough process for anyone. However, once your body gets use to your new lifestyle changes, you will feel better overall. Please keep in mind that what works for one person might not work for you. It is important to be prepared to ...More...

Find the Easy Ways to Lose Weight the Natural Way

Do you understand that more than half of the over weight people in the entire world live in America? It seems that Americans have not yet discovered the easy ways to lose weight. Weight loss is not rocket science. In fact, weight loss is easy!...More...

Easy Ways to Reduce Your Portion Size and Cut Your Calories in Half

When it comes down to weight loss, portion control is key. The size of your meal equals the amount of calories you consume. If you eat twice as much as you normally eat, your calorie intake will also double. Consequently, if you reduce your portion sizes and cut your food intake in half; your calori...More...

Maximize Your Metabolism Today

The older a person gets, or the more overweight a person is, the more important it is to maximize one's metabolism. An increased rate of metabolism means that the calories that you take in are ... ...More...

Winning the weight loss game

To those who have been told that they must lose weight to avoid diabetes or heart trouble, the thought of weight loss as a game may sound irresponsible or facetious. Nevertheless, it does have many ... ...More...