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Parenting : Health & Medical

Fun & Healthy Activities For Children

Kids have so much natural curiosity and energy, it seems a shame to set them in front of the tube as a regular activity. Playtime should ideally serve to forward a child's development across the board, but in true play and fun mode. For example, encourage regular physical activity withsports ac...More...

Grandpa for Sale

When Lizzie is left in charge of the antique store, she doesn't expect that someone will try to buy Grandpa! This delightful children's book will have the grandchildren laughing and the grandparents wiping away a tear....More...

Are You Allowing Texting to Kill Your Child's Creativity?

Instead of sending multitudes of little messages or updating their social networking sites with photos of themselves, children's time could be better spent doing a variety of activities. Working on critical thinking skills, playing sports, building meaningful face to face relationships, relatin...More...

How Often Does a Chihuahua Go Into Heat?

Unlike humans, who take years to develop sexually, female Chihuahuas can conceive as early as three months after birth. Pregnancy generally occurs during the heat cycle, a series of phases that change both the attitude and physical appearance of female Chihuahuas. Each phase varies in length, but th...More...

Finding a Good Affordable Jogging Stroller

If you are looking for a jogging stroller then you will want to take some different things into consideration. Jogging strollers are a little bit different than traditional strollers, so it is important you understand the differences....More...

Pregnancy Problems in Teen Girls

Though, the age of women is enduring to decrease, as younger women look for to conclude pregnancies. Statistics are instructive that the average age of those receiving abortions is dropping from 19 to...More...

Star Wars Cupcakes

At a Star Wars Party, line up some Star Wars cupcakes in the shape of a light saber....More...

Strawberry Pretzel Cake

Strawberry Pretzel Cake, part of a collection of family cake and dessert recipes. Strawberry Pretzel Cake is an unusual recipe that has a pretzel crust and is delicious. ...More...

How to Be a Great Foster Parent

Great foster parents know that being great means understanding the grieving child. Learn more about being a great foster parent and how to best help foster children with their grief and loss. ...More...

Tips to Teach a Child to Swim

If you have a child that wants to learn swimming, there are several ways that you need to concern when you want to teach him. By planning a simple lesson that is combined with support and patience, it will be the right approach for teaching your child to swim. If you want to know some easy steps to ...More...

Strengthening the Father-Child Bond

Mothers can do something to strengthen the bond between their husbands and children. They can encourage their husbands to be active participants in taking care of their children and be friends and companions when going out with them....More...

Baby Jaundice

Many babies contract jaundice within a day or two of birth. What are the causes and treatment?...More...

Find Your Happy Medium

It is not necessary to keep everything perfect.There is a happy medium between living and organizing for every family.If you look for functionality and not perfection you will find your families happy medium....More...

Movies: Colleges Star on the Silver Screen

Hollywood loves college kids - both as an audience and a movie topic. So it's no wonder that movies about college are so very popular. Here's a quick look at movies about college, from the new horror flick "Roommate" and the upcoming "Admission" to classics like "A...More...

Your Child's Safety on The Net

Before proceeding to read this article, it is important that we state something up front. It is essential for the reader to understand and appreciate that there is no such thing as a secure operating system or web browser. While there are many different programs and software that can significantly r...More...