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Parenting : Health & Medical

My Baby Won't Burp

Babies are gassy because they swallow air while they drink milk. Babies should be burped after every 2 to 3 ounces of milk they drink, according to KidsHealth. Babies may also need to be burped if they are colicky, fussy during feeding time or if they awaken for no other obvious reason, such as a we...More...

The State of Fatherhood 2003

What has happened to fatherhood during 2003? Guest contributor D.A. Sears, the CEO of BSI International offers his perspective on the highlights and low points of 2003 for fatherhood....More...

How to Handle School Fundraising

Few parents are thrilled about participating school fundraising, but work-at-home parents have an even harder time with it. Without a network of office mates that so many parents sell to (and buy from), work-at-home moms have fewer options when it comes to school fundraising....More...

Control Acute Stress - Set Realistic Goals

Raising children at the same time you are working outside the home as well as working inside the home doing everything both indoors and out will change chronic stress into acute stress. Prolonged acute stress is dangerous. The brain under acute stress does not function properly. This means that for ...More...

How To Choose Just The Right Bedding For Your Baby's Nursery

When choosing a bed for your new bundle of joy there are several factors to consider. The number one consideration is safety. A baby's bed shouldn't be too hard or too soft. There is also comfort to consider. You should never have too much stuff in your baby's bed like, pillows, stuff...More...

The Complete Medela Breast Pump Guide

Medela has been producing quality breast pumps for more than 50 years and it is commited in its tasks to provide mothers the best possible aid with their efforts in breast feeding. All of the ... ...More...

Elmo Live is Coming

Elmo Live is all set to become the best selling and hardest to get hold of toy of Christmas 2008. This article investigates Elmo Live and takes a brief look at the phenomena of hard to find Christmas best sellers....More...

Techniques to Relieve Infant Gas

Gas naturally occurs in people of all ages, but it can be very uncomfortable for infants. The buildup of gas is caused by the normal digestion of food and swallowing excess air, usually during crying. Natural or over-the-counter remedies are easy and safe for an infant suffering from gas pain, but a...More...

Love Your Children - Validation Part 2

The ways in which you love your children have great impact on their development. Kids need to be validated simply for their very existence, as well as for the special traits and qualities they possess. They learn who they are not only by the things we say, but more importantly by the things we do. H...More...

Types of Baby Prams and Strollers

"Pram" is a confusing word. When you ask people, most of them will say that a pram is a baby stroller. In the earlier times, pram was supposed to be a coach styled product meant to give a new born baby, a ride....More...

Latchkey Kids Vs Daycares

Is it better to leave your kids home alone than taking them to a daycare? I never had the experience of being brought up in a daycare. I was always provided for by family....More...

Kids Dance Classes Expose Children to the Arts

Kids dance classes are a good way to expose children to the arts. Children that are exposed to the arts: (1) learn to appreciate creativity, (2) learn to express their own creativity, and (3) explore other art forms in addition to dancing. Read this article to learn more about how dance classes can ...More...

Dangers Of Breastfeeding

It is universally acknowledged that breastfeeding your baby gives her the best start in life. The nutrients and antibodies in the mother's bloodstream are passed onto her child through breastfeeding, thus helping her baby to develop its own natural defences against infection. However there are ...More...

Crafts: Make a Stadium Seat

Crafts: Much as you love watching your kid play, sitting in the bleachers can be hard on the backside. Whip up a custom stadium seat in an afternoon and you'll enjoy a little comfort with the football....More...

Preparing For the Arrival of Twins (Part 2)

We were just having a quite stroll in Fuengirola after the weekly pre-natal check up with our gynaecologist when we just happened to pass the local shop that specialises in baby furniture and prams etc. And there in the window on special offer was the perfect bedroom set on display. Of course my wif...More...