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Parenting : Health & Medical

Baby Changing Tables - 5 Safety Tips You Should Know

A parent can change thousands of diapers for a new born baby. A baby changing table can probably be one of the most important pieces of furniture a parent can have in the baby's nursery.Before choosing one, here are 5 safety tips parents should know about baby changing tables....More...

Are You Ready to Adopt?

Are you ready to adopt? There’s a lot to consider. We have some food for thought for prospective parents....More...

Don't Do These Things If You Have a Teething Baby

Teething is a mine of misinformation and many pages have been written about teething remedies and suggestions on what to do to help baby when he's cutting his first teeth. Here's one that will warn you about some of the more dangerous "don't dos", based on feed back from Mom...More...

Lunchbox Ideas for Teenagers

Teenagers are some of the pickiest eaters, and the school lunchtime can be one of the hardest times to get them to eat a well-balanced, nutritious meal. If they aren't scarfing down unhealthy cafeteria food, they're trading away Mom's boring peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Teens are much more like...More...

How to Make Goo With Flour & Water

Little kids are happy just playing with dough, so skip the cookies and concoct some goopy, colorful goo instead. Toddlers and preschoolers thrive on hands-on tactile experiences and playing with goo gives them an outlet for their natural desire to touch everything. As with any crafts project, making...More...

Preschool At Home Changed My Life!

Preschoolers are indeed a unique breed. They are at once funny and frustrating, brilliant and very, very dense. They can be riotously happy one moment and throw a whopper of a tantrum the next. They switch gears in a heartbeat. There’s a reason preschool television shows have fifteen-second bu...More...

How to Host a Long Distance Baby Shower

In today's world of constant movement we rarely live in the same neighborhood, let a lone the same city as many of our close family and friends. If a loved one has announced a pregnancy and you want to be involved in the celebration, consider planning a long distance baby shower....More...

Options When Choosing a Baby Shower Theme

One ideal thing the a hostess should consider when planning a baby shower is to choose a theme for the party. This task can be a bit stressful, however, having a theme makes the event more fun and memorable to everyone. How do a baby shower organizer decide on the theme for the baby shower?...More...

Selecting Unique Baby Gifts

It is a difficult thing to do when it comes to finding unique baby gifts. There is relatively little choice of gifts that can be brought which are not going to be owned by another baby in a circle of friends. When you walk down a street you can often see children dressed with identical clothes and w...More...

How to Name Convention Policies

Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, each child has the right to be given a name. The usual approach to naming a child is to give the child a patronymic or a matronymic based on the surname of the father or the mother, and then a given name which in western culture precedes the surname. ...More...

Typical Kindergarten Math Curriculum

What will children learn about numbers and math in kindergarten? What are they expected to know at the end of the kindergarten year? While the goals may vary somewhat from state to state, there are some typical expectations....More...

Baby Backpack - Let Your Little One Explore From A Great Height

Doctor William Sears, a pediatrician, coined the term "baby wearing" for those parents who "wear" their infants in a baby backpack. While it's true that this is a relatively new term, baby wearing has been around for as long as there have been babies in the world. There&apos...More...