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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

Before Pregnancy

The Childbearing Years: Healthy eating along with exercise are the best ways to stay healthy during your Childbearing years. Maintaining or adopting healthy eating patterns provides women with benefits that go well beyond their immediate ... ...More...

What to Expect Emotionally After Miscarriage or Stillbirth

Miscarriage and pregnancy loss bring out different feelings for different people. Sadness can feel overwhelming at first but, over time, coping with miscarriage will get easier. Many women may go through the often-cited five stages of grief after a pregnancy loss....More...

The Infertility Cure For Women - 5 Natural Aids to Fertility

When faced with the diagnosis of infertility, many couples become anxious due to the high costs, low success rates, lack of insurance coverage, and side-effects of conventional medical treatments; not to mention the other risks of surgical procedures. But there is high hope available by concentratin...More...

How to Know the Fertile Days to Get Pregnant

Having a baby is really the greatest gift for each woman. The appearance of a baby can make your life more meaningful and interesting with many new experiences. But some women can not conceive after much effort to get pregnant. There are many reasons leading to the infertility, but lack of essential...More...

What The Heck Do You Do At A Baby Shower?

Is there anyone else out there who doesn't know what to expect at a baby shower? Maybe I'm alone but going to my first baby shower was not as scary as I thought it would....More...

Is it Safe to Go Biking When Pregnant?

Pregnant women receive a great deal of advice, unsolicited and otherwise, on what they should and shouldn't do during the course of their pregnancy.One of the most enduring myths surround pregnancy is that pregnant women should not exercise, or if they do, keep it to a minimum.In fact, nothing ...More...

Breast Feeding Mothers - Knowing When You Should Not Breast Feed

The choice to breast-feed or not to breast feed is a personal one. Some mothers relish the contact and bonding they develop with their child via breast-feeding. Others have to work or rely on bottled formula for various reasons. Whatever your choice, it's ok. Your baby will grow up just fine if...More...

Exercising Safely While Pregnant

Having a child is one of the most exciting, life altering experiences that a woman can go through. As much as you are excited about the prospect of becoming a mother, anxiety about your changing ... ...More...

Possible Causes and Treatments For Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Women agonizing or experiencing emotional suffering from recurrent pregnancy loss multiple times look for treatment to make their succeeding try at conception a positive result. This disease is normally examined after two or more failed pregnancies and women need to go over everything with an experi...More...

Infertility and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Description of what polycystic ovarian syndrome is, how it affects infertility and ways to treat it, modern medicine knows how to cope with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Statistics show that around 20% of women living in the United Kingdom suffer with polycystic ovarian syndrome, otherwise known as P...More...

Hemorrhoids in Pregnant Women

Women are usually happy when they find out they're pregnant.This is good news and they only expect the best to come their way.Unfortunately, some women also face hemorrhoids when they get pregnant.This article will help you understand how to deal with the problem of hemorrhoids in pregnant wome...More...

Mom and Baby at 35 Weeks Pregnant

At 35 weeks pregnant, you may decide that you want a medicated labor and delivery. If this is the case, you need to start learning about your options. There are two categories of pain relieving drugs: analgesics and anesthesia....More...