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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical
Demystifying Pregnancy and Diet
Diet and nutrition is a very significant part of pregnancy which greatly affects the health of the pregnant mother during its course. The widespread availability of preprocessed, processed, junk foods and the easy access to ... ...More...
Preterm Labor-What Happens
If preterm labor occurs close to your due date (in the 35th or 36th week of pregnancy), you may be allowed to deliver without delay....More...
Over the Counter Morning Sickness Cures
Morning sickness is a common condition among pregnant women, especially during the first trimester. Morning sickness includes nausea and/or vomiting and can occur any time of day or night. Pregnant women are limited in the types of medications they can take during pregnancy. Some medications are con...More...
Get Pregnant Faster - How Caffeine Affects Fertility
If you are having problems getting pregnant, then you need every edge possible in order to increase your chances of conceiving. Caffeine can have a profound affect on your fertility. Understanding the role caffeine plays in fertility can help you get pregnant quick....More...
Finding the Perfect Beach Maternity Wedding Dress
Weddings are extremely wonderful events because of the joining of two hearts that truly love each other. Building a life with another person is a very memorable moment which you will remember your entire lives. ... ...More...
Quiz: Could You Be Pregnant?
Could I be pregnant? It's a question you might ask yourself if you ever have symptoms that might indicate you are experiencing something differently than what you expected....More...
Beautiful Winter Maternity Clothes
When temperatures start to drop, there is nothing more comforting that slipping into your warm winter sweaters, scarves, and comfortable fur-lined boots. There is no better way to feel warm and cozy, as well as look put-together and fashionable. Winter fashion is always compatible with maternity fas...More...
CDC: IVF May Boost Birth Defects Risk
The CDC reports that certain birth defects -- including heart valve problems and cleft lip/palate -- may be two to four times more common among babies conceived with assisted reproductive technology than babies conceived naturally....More...
Childbirth: The Stages of Delivery
Unlike in the movies, labor and delivery isn't always scripted. Here's what you need to know....More...
First Signs of Pregnancy
Every single female is truly distinct. The same holds true for any being pregnant. Certainly no 2 pregnancies are identical, even for a similar female....More...
Top 3 Ways To Influence The Gender Of Your Future Baby
Believe it or not, when a couple want to make a baby, they will most often want to know the gender of the little life they are going to create. The problem however is how can you influence the gender of your future baby when all you can do is to have intercourse with your partner?...More...
A colpotomy (or culpotomy), also known as vaginotomy, is a vaginal sterilization procedure. It is considered to be minimally invasive surgery. During a colpotomy, the surgeon makes an incision in the vaginal wall. Then, the fallopian tubes will be pulled out of the incision, closed off (tied, clippe...More...
Top Tips To Ensure Pregnancy Health Both For The Mom And The Baby
Finally the pregnancy test kit showed that you are positively pregnant! You double-check by going to an ob-gyne and after undergoing a battery of tests the doctor confirmed that you really are pregnant. ...More...
Fact or Fiction: Debunking the Top 7 Pregnancy Myths
If you're pregnant, can you color your hair? Get a flu shot? Have sex? Here's what the experts say about the top old wives' tales about pregnancy....More...
Dealing With Disappointment When Trying to Conceive
Day 34 and still no period. You tell yourself not to get your hopes up because you can't bear the letdown that may come. Still, you take the pregnancy test with heart racing. You watch one line appear. You hold your breath. But no matter how long or hard you stare, the necessary second line fai...More...
Using a Surrogate Mother
Surrogate motherhood is one of many forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) that have developed in response to the increasing number of individuals/couples who find themselves unable to conceive a child on their own. Surrogate ... ...More...
Newborn Problems: What Mothers Need to Look Out For
Expectant mothers who regularly go to their doctors for their checkups will know that still their unborn babies will be prone to a lot of problems during the course of labor and delivery. Here are ... ...More...
Types of Fertility Drugs
There are a number of types of fertility drugs. The majority of these medications are geared toward women, with the intent of stimulating activity and development in the ovary. Most of the fertility drugs are hormone-based. There are very few options for men, although some research has been done reg...More...
Is There A Cure For Diabetes During Pregnancy?
Women diagnosed with gestational diabetes, often want to hear that there is a cure for this disease. Since there is no known cause of gestational diabetes, there is really no cure. Instead of, looking for a cure for diabetes when pregnant, women should focus on proper medical treatment....More...
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