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Skin Conditions & Dermatology : Health & Medical

The Use of Bath Salts Over the Ages and Its Benefits

Since the ancient time the concept of bathing in mineral rich water has gained popularity. Perhaps, it was the main reason behind the growth of different spa therapies and development of medical tourism in certain ... ...More...

Hiding Wrinkles? Find Out Why Hiding Wrinkles Isn't Such a Great Idea

I don't know about you but constantly trying to hide you wrinkles from everybody can be a very tiring job. Day after day you'll have to spend countless hours applying piles and piles of makeup just to look younger then your peers. I know how it feels to feel like your aging faster then you...More...

Five Easy Guidelines for Fat Reduction

One of the most terrifying visions for any woman is the overall look dimple lines on their hips and legs and grows for example cellulite. The dimpled appearance is developed it is along with bovine ... ...More...

There Is Nothing Basics About Goat's Milk Soap

The fondness of natural handmade soaps is high over commercial toiletry soaps. Goat's Milk Soap is widely used as an additive in shampoos, body lotions, moisturisers and other skin treatments...More...

Rate your Laser Hair Removal therapist

Here are some tips you should be told in your laser hair removal consultation, it's a good sign if you hear all 15 from your therapist... more to come soon....More...

Skin Care Tips - 7 Easy Hints For Clearer Skin

Maintaining clear and beautiful skin does not need to be an expensive, complicated chore. Why spend hundreds of dollars on expensive skin care products when some basic skin care techniques can keep your face clear? Follow these simple hints to leave your skin looking beautiful for pennies a day....More...

How To Be Free From Acne

Acne which is also commonly known as pimples or zits is a skin disorder that primarily occurs on the face, chest, back, neck and shoulders. Since acne is caused due to hormonal imbalance or the ... ...More...

Spa breaks, essential for every woman

If you want to experience a totally relaxing holiday, go for spa -breaks in Devon, a destination that has a range of luxury sp-a breaks on offer. Devon is a destination for the whole family, ... ...More...

5 Ways of Eliminating Razor Bumps For African-Americans

Ingrown hairs, or what has become known as razor bumps, affect millions of men and women all over the world. These are the unsightly and sometimes painful bumps that occur after shaving and sometimes linger on for days. Acute cases involve bleeding, pus and scarring which may require a physician. Wh...More...

Elimination of Moles? Not Difficult Any More!

This article is very expansive and explains step-by-step Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in context of moles. It tries to focus on many aspects ranging from their meaning, how they are formed, are they cancerous, etc. On reading this, a person facing problems due to moles, would be able to take a ...More...