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Skin Conditions & Dermatology : Health & Medical

Video: Simple Lymph Drainage Exercises for Shoulders

Video Transcript Hello, my name is Dr. Stacy Mobley. I'm a naturopathic physician that believes in blending the best of mainstream and natural therapies to help you transform your health, re-energize your life and renew your mind. Today we are talking about simple lymph draining......More...

Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis: a cause of skin thickening

Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) which was also known previously as nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy (NFD) was first observed in the mid 1990s in patients with renal insufficiency and those patients specifically on hemodialysis. Researchers first noted that there was association between nephrogen...More...

How to Have a Beautiful Complexion at Any Age

If you want beautiful skin no matter what your age, keep in mind that you must commit to a basic implementation of a simple skin care regimen to your daily routine. The skin is the body's largest organ and affects us in many ways. Those who have beautiful skin naturally feel good about themselv...More...

How to Find a Good Natural Eye Moisturizer

Have any of the natural eye moisturizer products you have tried worked for you very well? Chances are the ones you have been trying that you found at department and drug stores near you are not doing the trick. The reason these products for naturally moisturizing the eyes are not working for you is ...More...

Find the Six Deadly Sins of Beauty

1 cuticles and nails Never bite your cuticles and nails. If your cuticles are dry use a cuticle oil, Vaseline or almond oil: they all help to smooth the cuticles and hands. Apply cuticle oil ... ...More...

Is an Olive Oil Facial Cleanser More Beneficial Than Others?

If you ever get the chance to use one, you will find the benefits of an olive oil facial cleanser simply amazing. This compound contains properties that make it more compatible with human skin than any other natural oil. This means that it will penetrate your skin more deeply and moisturize more tho...More...

Can You Remove Skin Tags at Home Without Pain?

Most people are not bothered at all when they notice that they have some skin tags. This is because they do not cause any discomfort and are harmless. The problem is when they are located in a place where accidental contact is constant. This can cause anything from minor discomfort to right out pain...More...

How To Keep Skin Looking Young - It Is Much Easier Than You Think!

Maybe the best way we know about how to keep skin looking young is to make sure that our lifestyle is healthy and that we have the right work life balance. Keeping our bodies hydrated, avoiding too much sun and eating a diet rich in antioxidants will stand us in very good stead in our quest for a yo...More...

Booming Beauty Industry and New Age Beauty Careers

The best professional schools for the training are offering the certified curriculum. The state of California has some of the most influential training colleges. The students aiming to pursue in the beauty field can join ... ...More...

Why Does Dry Skin Beneath Eyes Appear?

Skin care problems are very common these days and everyone is trying to use the best product for protection against these issues. However, you can't really treat a problem if you don't know the cause. One of the most uncomfortable conditions is dry skin beneath eyes....More...

Thinking Twice about Botox Treatments

Botulinum toxin treatment, or botox treatment, is not a new development in the cosmetic surgery field. Many people these days are opting for botulinum toxin treatment to tighten the skin on their faces. Opinions are ... ...More...

Dispelling the Common Myths and Facts of Cellulite

Although it does occur most commonly in post-pubescent women, 2% to 10% of people who suffer from dimpled patches of skin around the backside, the thighs and the stomach are in fact, male. And although being overweight may worsen it, it is not the sole and exclusive cause. Thin women have been shown...More...

Anger: The Mismanaged Emotion

A nurse's response to a patient's anger is often defensive. Nurses may express inappropriate anger at colleagues as well. Can anything be done?...More...