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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Fasting in Ramadan - Twenty Nine Days or More

It's just 9:00 am and you are already feeling hungry. Actually, you feel a lot hungrier than you normally do at this time of the day. There is no breakfast or lunch on the horizon and it's not because your paycheque ran out. It's the first day of Ramadan and you've welcomed it wi...More...

Never Ever Forget To Stay Happy

To someone who is depressed, most self-help and advice is nothing more than cheesy cliches and annoying rhetoric. Depression has the characteristic of consuming your and squeezing every little bit of joy out of you, ... ...More...

Is God Truth?

Yes, God is Truth. In everyday life we deal with information that are true or false, and in communicating with others we also have to discern if somebody is intentionally lying to us. God doesn't deal so much with statements and facts - God's truth is creative truth....More...

Is 40 the New 20?

They say that 40 is the new 20. Just ask Courteney Cox. But when you don't look like Courteney Cox, or any other forty-something actress for that matter, is it true?...More...

The Real Truth About Yourself

"A man is a product of his inner conduct; Therefore he should be inwardly attentive In order to be outwardly productive."- D.C... Do you know that you can discover your purpose in life and achieve true success just by being your real Self?...More...

JOB Stands for Just Over Broke

When most of us think about a job, it is all about working hard to pay the bills at the end of the month while still having a little bit left over for entertainment, and if we are lucky, a little bit more that we can chuck into our savings. In fact, it is how most of us live because we have been bro...More...

You Could Be Happier Without All That Guilt

Some people feel more guilt than others. There's nothing wrong with feeling guilty when you really have something to feel guilty about -- in fact I'd be worried if you didn't feel guilt in these circumstances. The guilt I am concerned with here is when a person experiences this emotio...More...

Self Helping

Self help is an oft used term that always sounds kind of lonely to me. It conjures up the image of a troubled or confused person, with nobody else around, searching her or his soul for the knowledge and ability needed to solve the most pressing, most fundamental issues. Then she thinks, "If I c...More...

Short Quotes - Your Companion to Success

Life is very tough and we need to do lot of struggle to achieve our targets. Many times, we start blaming our destiny and start repenting in life. But think deeply, did you try your best? did you use ...More...

Never Lose Your Cell Phone Again!

Always running around looking for your phone? Do you have to search madly for you cell phone when it rings? Here are some tips to help you never lose your cell phone again. When you ... ...More...

Reasons to be Cheerful...

Smile...and the World Smiles With You! - By Cheryl Paris Have you ever heard of Harvey Ball? Probably not...but you will certainly be aware of his world famous design. Ball was the creator of the ... ...More...

Lessons From the Valley and Its River

To me a valley represents a place of humility and its river the place of blessing. Just as the river flows and nourishes the valley, so blessings enrich our lives. Blessings flow where arrogance and pride are absent....More...

How I Met My Angel

Here is a small fairy tale for the child within you to enjoy.It's directed at your heart, rather than your head.It's about the things that really matter to us within....More...