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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Befriend Your Fear

Fear is an illusion of the mind. It can cripple you and stifle your very existence if you don't know how to conquer or befriend your fear. Fear is the opposite of Faith or belief in oneself. If you are not confident in your abilities, fear is bound to plague you....More...

Accessible Hypnosis

With just about everything available on the internet, individuals who are seeking information on hypnosis will find no shortage of what they are looking for. Once upon a time, hypnotists were viewed as new-age healers and were usually only found in big cities that tolerated such subversive practices...More...

6 Ways To Get Over A Bad Day

A delightful look at how we can get over a bad day with a subtle yet profound focus on the small steps that truly help us overcome obstacles in our lives....More...

Learning Deep Breathing Techniques to Control Anxiety

Have you ever struggled with feelings of anxiety? If you have, it is great to know that there are ways to alleviate your anguish. You can learn techniques to take control of your tension and experience the calmness that you are worthy of. You can learn to be in charge of your anxiety with easy to le...More...

How Does Swimming Work on Your Brain

Many people are looking for means by which they can improve the way in which their brain works. It is true that there are many ways through which individuals can improve their IQ, but there is one which is simple, fun and cost-free: physical movement. Yes, by doing sport regularly not only you impro...More...

New Year's Resolution and You - What Can You Really Take On?

The end of a year can have an emotional pull in polarized directions. To our left we see our accomplishments, celebrated victories, new friendships and relationships and to our right we see heart brakes and incompletions. Depending on your personal wiring you will tend to keep one side closer to you...More...

Deep Transformation

The caterpillar was very happy to inch its way up the tree that had always been it's home. It felt comfortable and secure creeping along the rough bark of the big tree that sheltered it's existence.Everyday, long before dawn, the caterpillar began its journey from the roots of the tree to ...More...

Why Some Change Sex During Reincarnation

It is somewhat confusing for children who feel they are in the wrong bodies and difficult for them to explain it to adults. Reincarnation is also very difficult for those with memory of it to inform on their experience....More...

How to Lower Stress?

I was having a customer who had problems in spending leisure time with his family. He felt it very hard to give a break to his schedule though he was ready to....More...

Start the New Year On Purpose

As we move into the last month of the year, it's a great time to not only review the year but also to set some guidelines on both the personal & business fronts, to herald in the new year on purpose. We often find ourselves asking the questions, "where did this year go?" "did I a...More...

Living Life in a Straight Line

So often we are taught to believe how important it is to "chart a course," "make a plan" and of course, we gain an extra "gold star" if we - "Stick with it!"But, take a moment to look around.No matter if your life is based in faith or fact, science or the supe...More...