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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Minister Robes - Why Is It Important

A person that is appointed an official position inside the church are often required to wear minister robes. However, is it necessary to go ahead and wear one?...More...

What If Your Rights End Where God's Laws Begin?

Our national independence was declared on the grounds of our "God-given rights." God has established these rights for everyone. These are rights that every person is entitled to enjoy. No one has the right to deny these rights to others. These are considered not-for-sale. They cannot be gi...More...

Identifying Your Values

In this article we will look at what values are and why they are important to have along with some exercises you can use to help you identify your highest values. When you are considering what you want to achieve in life it is extremely helpful to first identify what your highest values are so you h...More...

How to Create Positive Thoughts

Believe in yourself and become everything that you want to be. Start to think in a positive way so that you can unleash your inner potential....More...

When We Choose To Hide

We are creating problems in our relationships, with ourselves and with God when we choose to hide something. We really need to think about what it is we are hiding any how it will affect the outcome in our lives. What is it that we are doing right now in our lives that we believe no one needs to kno...More...

Creativity Dwell Time

Sometimes when you are in a creative endeavor and you need to get an idea or further the process it makes sense to allow for creative dwell time. How so you ask? Well creative dwell time can be as short as 20 seconds or a much as a three days or perhaps just sleeping on it....More...

On Meditation, the Ego and the Soul - an Interview

Those interested in meditation and a spiritual life must also understand the nature of the ego and its relationship to the soul.Otherwise the ego can masquerade as the soul and pull us off the spiritual path. Q Could you please comment on your words : "In this brief life, we are trying to line ...More...

These Olympic Stars Should Have 'Never' Made It

Success lessons from the most unlikely of places. During the 1988 Olympic games, 2 incredible stories emerged that captured the worlds' attention. Discover how these Olympic "failures" became the Olympics most memorable successes... and how their lessons apply to your success in 2010 ...More...

Energy Therapies and Negative Forcing Functions

Energy therapies can relieve emotional distress for a time and I have used them over the years. The problem with these therapies is that they simply relieve the symptoms. Because of my background in electrical engineering, I take an engineering approach to human consciousness to deal with the root p...More...

How Much Control Are You Giving Up to Television?

What is it about controversial or dysfunctional television that has become popular to many of us as viewers? Is it the recovery or the devastation that entices us to watch our favorite television shows night after night? While the networks have been creatively constructing ways to spin the best of o...More...

Numerology And The Numbers Zero and Infinity

Numerology is the study of numbers and how they affect us and the universe. Numerologists believe that nothing in the universe is random, and although the future is not predetermined is it influenced by patterns that can be described by simple numbers. Numerology's roots are actually ancient an...More...

The Anatomy of Ritual, Spellwork, and Magick

Some of the metaphysical techniques and tools used within these systems include the elementals, altars, circles, pentagrams and hexagrams, meditation, divination (tarot, astrology, etc.), prayer, solar and lunar correspondences, conjuration, charms, talismans and amulets, dolls, wands, and many othe...More...

Is It Possible To Find True Love Through Online Dating?

Internet dating has substituted the club scene in terms of hanging out with new people. Social networking sites such as Myspace and Squidoo have allowed men and women the chance to not simply talk to someone who has similar hobbies, but also the exceptional chance to get a glance of the everyday eve...More...

Reasons Why Appraisals Fail

Appraisal is such a good idea and it is founded on such solid psychological principles that it is a wonder it has such a bad reputation, and that it fails to deliver so frequently. It was WE Deming, the great quality guru, who said that it took the average American six months to recover from perform...More...

Hypnosis Nlp And Abundance

Hypnosis has been used for centuries to help people overcome phobias and attain more conscious control over their minds. It is a deeply relaxing state of mind and body that can achieve seeming miracles. However, when it is used in conjunction with NLP the changes you can make in your life are truly ...More...