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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
You Hired a Bad Manager - Now What?
"I really thought he would work out. He's a nice guy, but he just doesn't seem to be the kind of leader we were looking for. Now what do I do?" When selecting new leaders or promoting current leaders, most executives will give the decision careful consideration, using a combinati...More...
Do I Have to Go on a Course to Learn NLP?
Like everything in life you can learn NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) on your own. There is plenty of information out there about NLP; if you put NLP or Neuro Linguistics Programming into a search engine you will find numerous articles and fact sheets. There are probably hundreds of books that co...More...
Build Self Esteem to Achieve Success
What's the first step all of us need to take to improve our lives? A million small events and interactions can lower our sense of self esteem. When you energize your self confidence take a major step towards achieving success....More...
Magic Of Making Up Review 16
You are traveling to the accumulation of a lot of books under his belt bookstore. However, the harvest of an accessory afterpiece in the name of the author - a membership is purchased belletrist the end?...More...
Modular Cabinets Are a Good Solution for Your Organizational Problems
Do you have a cluttered area that needs some sort of organization? We all have that area that just has stuff tossed everywhere and is so unorganized. We always vow to clean it up when we're looking for something, but after we find it, that promise goes by the wayside....More...
The Being/Doing of Leadership, Saving for "Health", and the Impact That Goes With All of I
One of my past executive clients, who is a very strong advocate for this work and a trusted mentor and adviser, said to me recently, as we discussed some of the opportunities of this work: "Why would people think they need to build and save up for retirement and financial well-being, but not bu...More...
Quit Smoking And Watch Your Social Life Soar
You may not realize it, but smoking affects your social life as well as your physical well being. How often have you avoided going places because they were non-smoking, or ducked out of a party at the height of the action to satisfy your nicotine cravings? When you quit smoking, you can also increas...More...
A Brief Introduction to Kirtan
Kirtan, also known as Gurbani Kirtan or Shabad Kirtan, is Sikh devotional music sung in praise to God. Kirtan is a central aspect of the Sikh religion. These sacred hymns are derived from the Sikh holy book, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (abbreviated as SGGS from here on in) which is effectively the bib...More...
Is Your Attitude Blocking Your Blessings?
Why does it seem that some people are luckier than others? The "lucky" folks seem to glide through life racking up enviable opportunities and wonderful relationships. These folks also seem adept at avoiding disasters, but if they hit a pitfall, they're able to quickly turn the situati...More...
What Can Entrepreneurs Learn From Confucius?
The teachings of Confucius have endured for centuries and remain influential in the thought and lives of many Asian people and other cultures around the world. I wonder what relevance the words of Confucius have to entrepreneurs in today's world of immediate gratification, liberal morals and va...More...
Curbing the Public Nuisance (Part 1)
He's been around since the dawn of humanity.His profession is even older than the world's oldest profession.He's been loathed and reviled by politicians, bureaucrats and hot dog vendors. I am spe......More...
Learn How to Fight Right
Single Christians who want to be in a long lasting romantic/dating relationship need to learn how to fight, if that relationship is to survive. I know that sounds like crazy advice, but the top reason...More...
Alcohol Abuse Interventions
An intervention takes place only when all attempts to send the person suffering from alcohol abuse to a rehab center have failed and he is unwilling to come to terms with his condition. The process starts with a simple phone call by a family member or friend of the sufferer to a phone consultant, em...More...
Alcohol Rehab - The Best Path Towards a Healthier Life
Alcohol rehab services are invaluable for individuals suffering from problems with alcohol. Rehab centers can provide facilities and programs to help with the detoxification and relapse prevention....More...
Are You Truly Happy, Content and Fulfilled?
Remember that life is not about all the treasure and trinkets you can accumulate, but rather about how happy you are, how much meaning and fulfilment you experience, the relationships you develop and what you ... ...More...
Lack Of Confidence - The 5 Revolutionary Ways To Turbo Charge Your Success
Millions of people suffer from what has, in recent years, been termed as lack of self confidence.Although a person's feelings about themselves are largely determined by his or her childhood up-bringing, it is entirely possible for one to change the way they think about themselves.If you feel li...More...
Attract as many motivated prospects as you can handle
Hitting the right prospect-rich vein in business is like being given a get-out-of-jail-free card in Monopoly or a toll-free pass at the expressway. In other words, it's a fast, free ride to a successful business ... ...More...
How Do Men Look Their Personal Best?
Men want to know how they can look their personal best.This article discusses some of the ways men can achieve looking their personal best....More...
Disorganization Stinks
Life is harder when you are disorganized. Organization makes for an easier life. You probably know this. So, why aren't you more organized? If I asked you to find a proposal on a project could ... ...More...
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