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Don"t Diet - Seven Ways to Get More Physical Activity in Your Life For Health, Fitness and Longevity

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Losing weight is not natural for humans.
Our hard wiring makes our survival instinct (having fat stores in case of famine) stronger than a desire to get into that bikini.
The easiest way to lose weight and keep it off is to make physical activity a regular part of your life.
A recent study found that overweight women who burned 1,000 calories a week (4 to 5 30 minute walks a week) reduced their risk of a heart attack BY 60%! That's amazing.
Just one more example of how "It's lifestyle that got you out of shape; it's lifestyle that will get you back into shape.
" If you really want to lose weight while you sleep (yes, it is possible), build up muscle tissue.
Fat is burned by muscle tissue.
The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn, 24/7.
The most difficult part about creating more physical activity in your life is the first step.
Here are some ways to make that first step easier:
  1. Get dressed for it.
    Have specific workout clothes.
    Once you have them on, it's a small step to the actual exercise.
  2. If you go outside to exercise in the morning, put your clothes in the dryer for a couple of minutes and warm them up.
  3. If your workout equipment has turned into the world's most expensive clothesline, sell it.
    If you see other equipment you think you'll use, but it at "Play it Again Sports", used equipment or on Craig's List.
  4. Get your friends involved.
    It's easier to go for a walk if you spend time chatting with friends.
    You may even get different friends to walk with you on different days.
  5. You may be able to walk during your lunch time.
    It doesn't take 30-60 minutes to eat.
    Take 10-20 minutes to dine and spend the rest of the time building muscle tissue.
  6. If weather isn't inviting, power walk through a mall.
    Most of them open early just for that purpose.
  7. You don't have to join a gym or spend lots of money on equipment.
    Just get comfortable walking shoes and open the door! Walk 15 minutes out and turn around and walk back.
    There's your half hour.
    The more days you walk, the faster you'll lose weight and the longer you'll live.
Walking is good for your heart and your brain.
If you want to stave off dementia, keep the blood moving through your entire body.
For those of you who hate to exercise, just think of this as not exercising, you're just going for a walk.

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