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Whey Protein Can Give Athletes "The Edge"

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Athletes are definitely a unique bunch of people! You may see them performing some unusual habits such as running at all hours of the night, or in the morning long before breakfast; or perhaps sitting on the side of the road or their house with sweat dripping off their foreheads; or doing pushups on the side of a road.
From bodybuilders to basketball enthusiasts, marathon runners to swimmers, sprinters to just plain every day people who workout hard to stay in shape; these physically motivated warriors show their battle scars with bruises, fractures and stitches as they thrive on personal accomplishment while subjecting their bodies to continual pain and exhaustion.
 This is not the exception, it is the expectation.
  When you consider the large nutritional needs of the average busy adult, then you can begin to appreciate what physically active individuals require to be successful.
And while these needs differ from sport to sport and lifestyle to lifestyle, there is no way to deny their never-ending need to fuel, refuel and repeat.
  Every human being is at the mercy of their diet to provide them with a solid foundation of nutrients.
  This is especially true in the case of endurance athletes (picture a marathon runner for instance), bodybuilders and other adrenaline-seeking competitors.
During intense physical training, the body calls upon its reserve of electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium to give that extra charge needed for an extra breath, strength, nerve impulses and many other functions.
A well-stocked supply of these nutrients can ultimately lead to greater levels of sustained endurance, mental ability and power.
  Deprivation, can lead to disaster.
When the body is pushed to extremes and cannot find what it needs, it becomes prone to fatigue, cramping, nausea and headaches.
Not to mention, failure of personal goals and finishing near the bottom.
If you consider yourself a serious, competition-minded athlete; or a person who just wants to be in great shape, you realize how important the "edge" is when it comes to your success.
 Whey Protein can provide that "edge".

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