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KalTame - a Clinical Wonder to Curb Diabetes

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With the diversity in sweet delights increasing rapidly, individuals succumb to temptation and consume these items in large proportions. As a result of these unhealthy eating habits, ailments like diabetes and high blood pressure have surged the medical charts. Doctors are advising patients suffering from diabetes to cut down on the sugary delights and find a substitute like honey or Sucralose that can be added instead of sugar. Health clinics have formed a sort of alliance with pharmaceutical companies to promote awareness amongst the masses. With diabetes patients climbing the charts, India has the maximum population suffering from this ailment due to the unhealthy diet. Manufacturers in the healthcare sector have come up with a diverse range of products that can be incorporated in the diet to increase the sugar content in the food without doing much harm to the body.

The body is equipped only to metabolise certain quantities of sugar and carbohydrates, but if the level exceeds the maximum limit, then chances of chronic lifestyle diseases subsequently increase. Women are statistically more prone to diabetes owing to their sweet tooth fascination as compared to men. To balance the sugar levels and overcome it, women specifically must take care of their insulin content. Artificial sweeteners are available in the market but the side effects can hamper the health more than do good. Hence scientist and nutritionists have advised to use natural products as opposed to the laboratory administered synthetic sweeteners. The rise in sugar level is not necessarily a result of high consumption of sweets but because of the high concentration of carbohydrate levels that is not metabolised quickly by the body. The measurement of blood sugar level is based on an individual's glycaemia index. Higher the index, more damage to the body.

Sedentary lifestyle is also a major reason for diseases. Some form of fitness is vital to enhance the muscles and fortify the body structure. Diseases are a result of unhealthy habits that people inculcate over the period of time. Initiative must be taken to eradicate unhealthy living and compensate the decline of quality in health by adopting appropriate measures. Doctors agree that consuming leafy vegetables and fruits all the time is not possible but by reducing binging and undertaking some fitness regime can balance out our health issues.

Hexagon nutrition Pvt Ltd which is one of the leading experts in food supplements and clinical nutrition has come up with a product called Kaltame. This product is made from Sucralose, a highly complex sugar molecule that does not hamper the carbohydrates or sugar content in the body. Apart from this, other products of this sort are available easily in the market and can be used by diabetic patients instead of an artificial sweetener. Sucralose being a zero calorie sugar substitute can be utilized in adequate amounts to enhance the sweetness quotient in the food without hindering the body metabolism. With such diversity available, people must now buck up and take health problems seriously and do everything in their capacity to overcome it.

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