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How Far Is an 8K Race and How Do You Train for One?

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Updated December 19, 2014.

"How many miles is an 8K race?"

A 8K run is 8 kilometers long, which is the equivalent of 4.97 miles. 8K or 5 miles is a popular distance for road races. And if you've recently started running, an 8K race is a good introduction to road racing.

If you're interested in running an 8K or 5-miler, here are some free 8K training programs:

8K or 5 Mile Training Schedule for Beginners: This eight-week training schedule is designed for beginner runners who want to get to the finish line of an 8K or 5-mile race.

It assumes that you can already run at least one mile.

8K or 5 Mile Training Schedule for Advanced Beginners: This eight-week schedule is designed for runners who are a little beyond the total beginner stage and can run up to 2 miles at once. It's good for those who may have never run an 8K or 5-mile race before, but are looking for a schedule that's a little more challenging than the 8K Beginner Schedule.

8K or 5 Mile Intermediate Training Schedule: This six-week 8K training program is designed for intermediate runners who want to train for an 8K race. This schedule also works for any intermediate runners training for a 5-mile race. The program assumes that you can already run at least 4 miles.

8K or 5 Mile Advanced Training Schedule: This six-week 8K training program is designed for advanced runners who want to run a successful 8K race. This schedule also works for any advanced runners training for a 5-mile race. The program assumes that you can already run at least 6 miles.

Other Race Distances: How Far is 1500 Meters?

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