Low Cost Diabetes
Lower your diabetes costs. [http://lowcostdiabetes.blogspot.com/]
One small tip to outsmart the high cost of diabetes.
Here's one of those small, simple, "I wish I thought of that" ways to bring down your diabetes expenses.
Before I get started let me warn you that some diabetes specialists (nurses, doctors) may not like this idea and may not recommend it when you ask them, Something tells me that if these people were not talking to you "onn the record" as medical doctors they would have no problem with it, but because they're afraid that they could get in legal trouble for recommending a product that wasn't specifically designed to "increase blood glucose levels", they may not endorse this idea. But if you want to decrease your cost of diabetes (in this economy, who doesn't?) you have to be smart and objective.
One way I use to lower my cost of diabetes care is by saving money by watching how treat Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Instead of using those expensive glucose tablets, I use my own low cost diabetes version. Can they really save you some money? Let's compare.
One of the least expensive glucose tablets on the market is from a brand called Reli On (a good name to remember when it comes to lowering your cost of diabetes). The ReliOn Glucose Tablets Combo Pack contains two economy-sized bottles of 50 tablets and one "on-the-go" tube of 10 tablets. 110 tablets for about $13.00.
Ingredients: ReliOn ® Glucose tablets contain 4 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates, mainly in the form of dextrose (glucose). The other ingredients listed on the package are flavoring, coloring, binding agents, and preservatives.
Each Tablet contains 4g of carbohydrates.
So you get a total of 440 grams of carbs for $13.00.
Remember, this is a Wal Mart owned brand, so it should be one of the cheapest options right?
Not really.
The low cost diabetes option: Smarties.
The 16 Oz. Value Pack at Wal Mart is only $1.88. It contains about 60 individual candy rolls.
Ingredients: Smarties are mostly glucose (dextrose); each roll has 5 grams of carbohydrate, 4 grams of it as pure glucose (dextrose). FYI, Dextrose, is the fastest absorbing type of sugar.
For $1.88 you get 300 grams of carbs.
This is a great way to lower your cost of diabetes, specially if you follow a tight control diabetes program where low blood sugars/hypoglycemia are more common.
There are other options out there, may be even less expensive (but probably not by much), but I enjoy the convenience of the individually wrapped packages of the smarties candy. It makes it easy too adjust depending on how low my sugar is. I also don't have to put one of those huge glucose tablet in my mouth that comes from a tube when I'm out and about. By eating some smarties to treat my hypoglycemia, people assume I'm enjoying some candy.
The taste is not that fantastic, but that works great for me. It means that can keep them in my pocket without being afraid of having a smarties craving. if we were talking about m&m's instead I just wouldn't be able to resist. I could eat the whole bag in one sitting.
You would think that all this talk about glucose would actually increase my blood glucose but I'm actually feeling a bit low right now as I'm writing this.
I better go check.
73. Not that bad, but my glucose level may be coming down. (Don't you just hate all the guessing involved?)
I'll take one Smarties roll just in case.
Here's to Smarties for helping us diabetics bring our blood sugar levels up but keeping our cost of diabetes down.
Now for low cost diabetes #1 tip:
DON'T you EVER stop or reduce medications due to lack of funds before discussing it with your doctor. You don't want to end up in a hospital. I don't know if you noticed, but hospitals have a tendency of NOT bringing you cost of diabetes down.
One small tip to outsmart the high cost of diabetes.
Here's one of those small, simple, "I wish I thought of that" ways to bring down your diabetes expenses.
Before I get started let me warn you that some diabetes specialists (nurses, doctors) may not like this idea and may not recommend it when you ask them, Something tells me that if these people were not talking to you "onn the record" as medical doctors they would have no problem with it, but because they're afraid that they could get in legal trouble for recommending a product that wasn't specifically designed to "increase blood glucose levels", they may not endorse this idea. But if you want to decrease your cost of diabetes (in this economy, who doesn't?) you have to be smart and objective.
One way I use to lower my cost of diabetes care is by saving money by watching how treat Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Instead of using those expensive glucose tablets, I use my own low cost diabetes version. Can they really save you some money? Let's compare.
One of the least expensive glucose tablets on the market is from a brand called Reli On (a good name to remember when it comes to lowering your cost of diabetes). The ReliOn Glucose Tablets Combo Pack contains two economy-sized bottles of 50 tablets and one "on-the-go" tube of 10 tablets. 110 tablets for about $13.00.
Ingredients: ReliOn ® Glucose tablets contain 4 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates, mainly in the form of dextrose (glucose). The other ingredients listed on the package are flavoring, coloring, binding agents, and preservatives.
Each Tablet contains 4g of carbohydrates.
So you get a total of 440 grams of carbs for $13.00.
Remember, this is a Wal Mart owned brand, so it should be one of the cheapest options right?
Not really.
The low cost diabetes option: Smarties.
The 16 Oz. Value Pack at Wal Mart is only $1.88. It contains about 60 individual candy rolls.
Ingredients: Smarties are mostly glucose (dextrose); each roll has 5 grams of carbohydrate, 4 grams of it as pure glucose (dextrose). FYI, Dextrose, is the fastest absorbing type of sugar.
For $1.88 you get 300 grams of carbs.
This is a great way to lower your cost of diabetes, specially if you follow a tight control diabetes program where low blood sugars/hypoglycemia are more common.
There are other options out there, may be even less expensive (but probably not by much), but I enjoy the convenience of the individually wrapped packages of the smarties candy. It makes it easy too adjust depending on how low my sugar is. I also don't have to put one of those huge glucose tablet in my mouth that comes from a tube when I'm out and about. By eating some smarties to treat my hypoglycemia, people assume I'm enjoying some candy.
The taste is not that fantastic, but that works great for me. It means that can keep them in my pocket without being afraid of having a smarties craving. if we were talking about m&m's instead I just wouldn't be able to resist. I could eat the whole bag in one sitting.
You would think that all this talk about glucose would actually increase my blood glucose but I'm actually feeling a bit low right now as I'm writing this.
I better go check.
73. Not that bad, but my glucose level may be coming down. (Don't you just hate all the guessing involved?)
I'll take one Smarties roll just in case.
Here's to Smarties for helping us diabetics bring our blood sugar levels up but keeping our cost of diabetes down.
Now for low cost diabetes #1 tip:
DON'T you EVER stop or reduce medications due to lack of funds before discussing it with your doctor. You don't want to end up in a hospital. I don't know if you noticed, but hospitals have a tendency of NOT bringing you cost of diabetes down.