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Are There Dangers to Juicing

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There has been a lot written regarding both the benefits and pitfalls of juicing. I am a big juicing advocate because I have personally experienced just how beneficial this eating technique can be. Is it healthy€¦€¦€¦.YES! Should you take any precautions€¦€¦€¦€¦€¦..YES! This short article will address the most prominent precautions you should be aware.

€ Weight Loss Motivation - Juicing for the purpose of simply losing weight has been found to be successful. I went from weighing 200 pounds to 168 in approximately three months. All I did was replace breakfast and lunch with a combination of both fruit and veggie juice combined. For dinner I had lean meat, chicken, pork, or fish, with healthy cooked vegetables. Never suffered any bad effects from this diet because I was getting the nutrients my body needed from the juices and the protein and fiber from the dinners.

Now here is where you need to be cautious. Do not replace all your meals or food with just juice. Your body needs fiber and protein from food that is chewed. My recommendation would be to juice two of your three normal meals and eat one non-juiced meal each day. Just make sure the non-juiced meal consists of a healthy balance and no empty calories.

€ Food-borne Illnesses - We are all aware of the recent illnesses caused by produce such as spinach, lettuce, cantaloupe, etc. Juices made at home or at juice bars are not pasteurized. Disease causing microbes can be on produce. E. Coli, salmonella, and hepatitis are a few of the illnesses that can be gotten from unwashed or poorly washed produce. Some recommend using a vegetable wash, however, I have found that just washing and/or scrubbing the produce with a 50-50 mixture of water and white vinegar is just as effective.

€ Weight Gain - So one of the reasons, other than just eating healthy, for juicing is to lose some weight. Be careful to not let that backfire on you or you can actually end up gaining weight.

Juices are energy dense in delivering a high dose of calories relative to volume. Fruit juices in particular, because of the sweet taste, may encourage over juicing. Juicing may also not make you feel €satisfied€ after juicing your meal. This too may lead to overeating. Just make sure you juice a proportionate amount of veggies along with the fruit and make one meal a day a non-juiced meal.

€ Blood Sugar - Those with diabetes or blood glucose problems need to be aware that juicing may pose concerns. Because lots of fiber is removed with the use of centrifugal type juicers a high rise in sugar levels could occur. The masticating type juicers are best for retaining more of the fiber from the produce which will help. If you use the centrifugal juicers you may also want to save and use the pulp in baked items, such as muffins. Beware that the veggies like carrots and beets also contain a higher level of sugar.

€ Yellow Skin - This is a condition known as carotenemia which usually is indicated by a darkening or yellowing in the pigmentation of the skin on your palms or soles of feet. It is caused by high carotene levels in the blood. Carrots are one vegetable high in carotene, which is a vital nutrient.

€ Clean Up - It is extremely important that you thoroughly clean your juicer after each use to prevent the buildup of disease causing bacteria. First generation juicers required a complete disassemble of the machine which was both time consuming and troublesome. Today's' newest models require very little, if any, dis-assembly which is by far more pleasing for the user.

Juicing can and should be a very healthy addition to your diet to gain a higher degree of €healthiness€, more energy, and lose those extra pounds. Being aware of the €dangers€ that can be avoided is vital for great juicing experiences.

Find out more juice extractor information regarding other tips at

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