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Finally Unraveling The Mystery Of The Causes Of ADHD In Children Could Become A Reality

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Did you know that one the many causes linked to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was the flu? That's right, after the 1918 influenza epidemic large numbers of children developed hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and impulsivity. This condition was referred to as Minimal Brain Damage. One can't help but wonder, with the flu making a resurgence almost 100 years later, whether this trend is destined to repeat itself.

Since 1918 research has come a long way in unraveling the causes of ADHD in children. Along the way theories such as bad parenting, defiance, moral inadequacies, poor diet, exposure to toxins, and traumatic brain injury have been either totally or partially disproven as causes of ADHD in children.

Today we have a much clearer picture of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder thanks to modern day technological. Exactly what causes ADHD is still partially a mystery but the answers are within our grasp and most experts believe that this ongoing mystery will be solved in the next ten years.

Recent research points to the likelihood that ADHD, which is thought to affect 10 percent of school aged children, is most often causes by biological factor in the brain. Specifically imbalances and the inactivity of the brain chemical norepinephrine, dopamine and to a lesser degree serotonin. Brain scan technology has allowed researchers to catch a glimpse of what is happening in the brains of ADHD children creating some clarity in the often subjective world of ADHD research.

We now know that certain brain messenger imbalances produce specific symptoms. For instance too much norepinephrine activity in relation to the amount of dopamine activity produces distractibility. Too much norepinephrine or too little dopamine is thought to cause impulsive behaviors; and obsessiveness can be a sign of too much dopamine in relation to the amount of serotonin.

What makes the mystery of the cause of ADHD in children even more difficult to unravel is that sometimes the amounts of chemicals in the nerves located in certain areas of the brain are normal but the problematic behaviors associated with ADHD are caused by how the brain chemicals are released or how the receptors bind them.

In more understandable general terms what this all means is that the causes of ADHD in children are directly linked to diminished brain activity in the areas of the brain that control self regulation; predominately the pre-frontal cortex.

While it is becoming increasingly clear that ADHD is causes by biological factors it should be pointed out that ADHD tends to run in families. If one parent or sibling has ADHD, children born into this family are much more likely to develop this disorder.

What Next? For those struggling with ADHD finding a treatment option that can help them manage their symptoms should be their main priority. The most common form of treatment for ADHD are stimulant medications such as Ritalin or Cylert. While effective all stimulant medications come with a number of serious label warnings. The risk of side effects or perhaps lack of success with stimulants has prompted many to investigate other options. A couple examples of this are behavior modification therapy and/or homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies for ADHD are a side effect free way to address such problematic symptoms as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, erratic behavior and hyperactivity and can be used both as a standalone treatment or as a compliment to other nonprescription alternatives.

In closing, hopefully the information above has helped you gain a better understanding of the causes of ADHD in children. Certainly in asking "What are the causes of ADHD" science has yet to uncover all the answers but we have a greater understanding today than ever before.

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