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A Look at the Many Faces of Severe Anxiety Disorder

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At one time, or another, we all will experience anxiety. Believe it or not, the experience of anxiety is natural. However, anxiety levels that are in excess of the norms, may constitute a severe anxiety disorder.

Oftentimes, anxiety is linked to many conditions including post traumatic stress disorder. The following is a list of conditions that are associated with a severe panic disorder.

Agoraphobia, or an inability to leave home. It is derived from the belief that you are only safe while at home. Not withstanding the crime rate, and the likelihood of danger in the home is drastically diminished, you can still get hurt at home. You can combat an agoraphobia panic disorder by accepting that the idea of safety is relative to a given situation.

More phobias include flying on a plane, or being bitten by a small insect. In short, a phobia is, at times, an irrational fear of a specific real, or imagined circumstance. Phobias may not disrupt a person's life until they cause an inability to perform daily functions.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), can also be a symptom of a severe anxiety disorder. OCD is characterized by repetitive actions, or thoughts, because of anxiety, or fear. The untenable symptoms of OCD can be properly managed with structured, and positive thinking.

Severe anxiety disorder can also be triggered by a traumatic event, resulting in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Most commonly associated with soldiers, many other events can bring about PTSD. PTSD sufferers report a disassociation from their reality, or repetitive, and recurring disturbing thought patterns.

Last but not least, enter depression, when examining the causes of a severe panic disorder. Depression may in fact be the result of the anxiety disorder, and not a separate cause. Depression can create a claustrophobic sensation; as if a person's world is diminutive, and isolated. Sometimes a person may be mis-diagnosed with depression when that person is really simply frustrated and fed up with dealing with an anxiety disorder. Be sure to speak with your doctor or psychiatrist about this before taking depression medication.

Anti-depressants can be helpful, but keep in mind that a common side effect is more depression, which in turn results in anxiety. In such an instance, the medication isn't the answer. Medication will temporarily mask unwanted symptoms, so that you may focus on the root causes of your anxiety disorder.

Seeking professional help for your severe anxiety disorder is best. A supportive network of family, and friends, can do wonders. Finding a support group is the best thing you can do, if you suffer from a severe anxiety disorder.


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