Massage Therapy & Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Those affected by SAD are impacted by sleep disturbances, such as oversleep or insomnia, weight gain and cravings for sweets, carbohydrates and starches, as well as experiencing fatigue, depression, irritability and anti-social tendencies.
- Massage has been used in the treatment of SAD, as it is reported to help with depression, stress, anxiety, circulation, improved sleep and improved energy levels.
- Massage can help with depressive disorders because it releases endorphins in the body, lowers the heart rate and blood pressure, as well as improving the circulation, energizing the body and improving concentration.
- The positive effects of massage treatments can be felt immediately, but for long-term effects it is advised to receive between two and four treatments a month during fall and winter seasons.
- As well as relieving the symptoms of SAD, massage is also beneficial in relieving back pain, headaches, PMS, respiratory issues and boosting the immune system.
- A balanced, healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, a regular exercise routine, regular massages and being sure to get plenty of sunlight are all the ways to assist in both preventing and treating SAD.