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Creating EFT Scripts

103 43
Being able to create EFT scripts should not be the main focus of tapping.
In fact I teach my students two methods of releasing, one which involves the deliberate creating of scripts and one which does not.
I always suggest that scripting should not be the main focus of EFT, its better to listen to what is going on then to worry about creating scripts.
My Biggest Tip For You The reason so many of us become stuck during scripting and tapping is because we get over analytical approach to scripting, and this will almost always get in the way The biggest tip I can give you today is to "say it like it is", to say exactly what is on your mind, to say the truth behind whatever your problem is.
Because until you can do this you may end up stuck forever.
For example if you had an argument with you spouse 6 months ago and this had been on your mind every day for the last 6 months and you cannot shake the way you feel about what was said, and as you tap you start tapping with phrases like "I had an argument with Helen", "she said some nasty things to me", and you are not finding much release then ask yourself if this is the truth behind the emotion.
It could be that you are not saying it like it is, yes it is true that he or she may have said some nasty things to you, and you don't feel good about it, but is this what is really going on in your head.
Because what you are feeling and thinking about could be different to what you are tapping about.
In this case you may want to tap on what is really going on as you think about it, such as "I hate her so much for what was said", "she hurt me so bad she is such a cow", "she only ever thinks of herself", "sometimes I just want to punch her in the head" Obviously in the above example I aimed this at a female but the same would go if the gender was reversed.
Remember above all else "say it like it is"

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