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Eating The Rainbow - Fat Loss Foods

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If you want to boost your fat loss and your health, then you need toget some colours into your diet.
Lots of them! You want to be getting at least one item from each of the groups below on a daily basis.
By doing this you will be getting a large spectrum of flavours, vitamins and minerals.
You just can't get these from any other source.
A multi vitamin may be a good choice to cover the gaps in your diet but it shouldn't be your main source of nutrition.
To qualify, the food also needs to be an unprocessed, natural food.
Sorry guys, you can't just grab a box of Fruit Loops or Skittles and call it a day! Yellow/Orange These foods contain carotenoids which have been shown to reduce the risk of developing cancer, lower the chance of heart attack and reduce age related macular degeneration.
* Yellow apples * Apricots * Beans * Squash * Cantaloupe * Carrots * Grapefruit * Lemons * Mangoes * Nectarines * Oranges * Papayas * Peaches * Pears * Yellow capsicum * Pineapple * Pumpkin * Sweet corn * Sweet potatoes Green Eat your greens.
Your mom told you, so they must be good for you! The chlorophyll and leutin contained in these foods can help to keep your vision in top order.
Broccoli for fighting cancer and spinach for massive forearms, green vegetables are the business.
* Apples * Artichokes * Asparagus * Avocados * Beans * Broccoli * Brussels sprouts * Cabbage * Celery * Cucumbers * Grapes * Honeydew melon * Kiwi * Limes * Green onions * Peas * Green capsicum * Spinach * Zucchini Blue/Purple This group contains the antioxidant rich anthocyanins.
Protecting against cell damage they have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease.
Blueberries may also help with improving your memory, but only if you remember to eat them! * Beetroot * Blackberries * Blueberries * Eggplant * Figs * Plums * Prunes * Grapes * Raisins Red Here you will find both lycopene and anthocyanins.
Lycopene gives the red colour and may help reduce risk of several types of cancer, especially prostate cancer.
To get the full benefit you should be looking to get some of it raw and some cooked.
* Red apples * Red cabbage * Cherries * Cranberries * Grapefruit * Grapes * Red capsicum * Pomegranates * Red Onion * Radishes * Raspberries * Rhubarb * Strawberries * Tomatoes * Watermelon To be honest, one per day should be the minimum you aim for.
Grab a couple from each list, everyday, and you will be making a huge investment in yourself.
Plus the variety will keep you interested in eating well for longer which will deliver great long term benefits.

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