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Benefits - Pepper

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There are three types of pepper: black, green and white.
Actually the fruit is the same; the color difference is due to stages of development and the methods of processing them.
The scientific name of the plant is Piper nigrum.
It contains Vitamin K, iron, manganese and dietary fiber.
This is used in many types of recipes.
Several studies have been carried out to see whether black pepper is good or bad for the health.
However there are both sides of it.
It is like table salt: in small quantities it is useful and if taken in large quantities then it can be harmful to the health.
Black pepper stimulates taste buds and is good for digestion by stimulating the secretion of hydrochloric acid required for digestion.
It eases gas, constipation and hemorrhoid discomfort.
It promotes sweating and urination.
It also has anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties.
The anti-bacterial properties are mainly against intestinal bacteria.
It also facilitates breakdown of fat cells and thus helpful in slimming down.
Black pepper contains an alkaloid called as the piperine which increases the bioavailability of some of the nutritional materials and also some drugs.
It acts as anti convalescent and also has anti carcinogenic properties.
The increased gastric acid secretion can cause loss of potassium and mucosal micro-bleeding or even gastric bleeding.
The alkaloid piperine may get in the way of reproductive process a can be carcinogenic also.
Hence it is very important to take into consideration the negative effects before taking it in large quantities.

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