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Deciding on the Best Fruit and Vegetable Juicer to Buy

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If you're looking to buy a new juicer then this article is for you.
We will start by taking a look at the benefits of juicing, followed by a look at the main features of a good juicer.
We will then finish with a look at the main juicer brands.
Benefits of Juicing Let me get one thing straight right now.
If you think when you buy a carton or bottle of fruit or vegetable juice in the store that you're getting wonderful nutritional benefits: you're wrong! Packed juices are treated in order to preserve them to give them a long shelf life.
This robs them of many of the nutritional benefits that freshly-made juice has.
In addition to this, they are often crammed full of added sugar and various other unhealthy ingredients.
When you make fresh juice, it is so packed full of nutrients that nothing else you eat or drink can compare.
Not only that, it tastes great too! Features of a Good Juicer
  • Fast: You want to be able to just chuck your fruit and vegetables in and have quality juice come effortlessly pouring out the spout.
    However, this doesn't apply so much if you're going for a masticating juicer, which works slowly to chew up leafy or grassy vegetables.
  • Wide Chute: If your juicer has a wide chute, you will be able to put most fruit and vegetables into it whole, without the need for chopping beforehand.
  • High Juice Yield: Some juicers are better at extracting juice than others.
    You will be able to tell how good it is by how dry the pulp is afterwards.
    If it's very wet, then your juicer is not doing a very good job.
    Masticating juicers, although much slower than the standard centrifugal juicers, will tend to extract more juice.
  • Easily Cleanable: If you're like most people, you don't have time to spend ages cleaning your juicer every time you've used it.
    A good juicer will be easy and quick to clean.
Best Juicer Brands Probably one of the best juicer brands is Breville, who have a number of high quality juicing machines ranging in price from $65 to $400.
Hamilton Beach are also a popular brand, though they do tend to make lower-priced juicer, ranging in price from $25 to $85 for a standard juicer, although they do make a few more expensive specialist citrus juicers as well.
Waring are another brand similar to Hamilton Beach in that they tend to have more low-priced juicers.
When it comes to super high quality juicers, Omega are the brand to go for.
Although they do make some standard juicers priced around the $100 mark, their best products are their motorized masticating juicers, which sell for about $300.
They also make a commercial citrus juicer priced at an astonishingly high $4,500! Other good juicer brands include Jack Lalanne and Tribest.

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