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Salvia Divinorum

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Salvia Divinorum or Diviner’s Sage belongs to the salvia genus. It has got dissociative effects. Salvia divinorum is a latin name which means “sage of the seers”.

It is used as visionary states of consciousness in spiritual healing by Mazatec shamans. Normally found in parts of Oaxaca, Mexico. It grows well in shaded, isolated and moist plots. It’s length is normally over one meter. It’s physical appearance is hollow square stems, large green leaves and sometimes white and purple flowers. It is regarded as a cultigen.

Diterpenoid or salvinorin is it’s main psychoactive constituent. It is a potent ?-opioid receptor agonist. Salvinorin A is the only natural substance which induces visionary state. The method of intake of salvia divinorum are chew, smoke or taken as a tincture. It’s effects ranges from uncontrollable laughter to much more intense altered states. These effects of salvia divinorum lasts only for a few minutes as compared to other psychedelics. The intake of salvia divinorum effects as reported till date are increased feeling of insight, an improved mood, a sense of calmness, and an increased sense of connection with nature. Some of the users have also reported side effects of unpleasant or uncomfortable mood. Though it is never regarded as toxic or addictive substance rather is can be used as therapeutic tool for curing drug addictions.

There are a few websites selling genuine salvia divinorum online. Salviemoster is one of the dedicated in salvia sales. It also gives information on salvia regarding all issues.For more information regarding salvia sales you can visit

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