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How Does Garcinia Cambogia Extract Effect Weight Loss?

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How Does Garcinia Cambogia Extract Effect Weight Loss?

Dr. Steve,

My friend told me she lost weight using Garcinia Cambogia. Does this really work?

Julia T.
Jupiter, FL


Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA) is strongly in the news as a natural weight loss supplement. Studies, as to be expected, have mixed reviews. Many say it can be an effective weight loss supplement. Unlike many other weight loss products, HCA has been extensively tested in research laboratories on both human and animal subjects and to date no measurable side effects have been found.

Garcinia Cambogia is a tropical fruit that grows mainly in Africa and India. It's in the citrus family. It is extremely sour to the taste making the fruit inedible although the rind is used as a spice. Hydroxycitric acid is the substance extracted from the fruit and used in the supplement.

Hydroxycitric acid satisfies the body's need for energy and improves the signaling system that the body uses to tell the brain when it has eaten enough. This tends to give an early warning system to those overweight telling them "Stop eating I'm full". The obvious effect is less calories consumed.

The mineral chromium is recommended in tandem with Garcinia Cambogia extract to effectively regulate the body's blood sugar levels. Chromium deficiency can contribute to weight gain and possibly diabetes. However if you have diabetes already, you should see your doctor before taking any products containing chromium.

As with most supplements, I recommend that you consult with your doctor before taking it or giving it to others (including children). HCA is available from many sources online and may be labeled either hydroxycitric acid or garcinia cambogia extract.

If you choose healthy foods you should find that you lose weight and fat slowly but steadily without really trying. You should consume slightly smaller portions and choose fruit instead of sugary snacks but you don't need to go hungry. This is a very natural way to lose weight.

There are three critical building blocks that must be stacked together to achieve weight loss: eating healthier and smaller portions (consuming fewer calories), increasing expenditure of energy through simple exercise (using up more calories) and having the mind set (mental discipline) to change your habits into a positive life program of health and vitality.

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