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Home Sweet Home - Feeling Comfortable in Your Own Skin

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On a regular basis check in and notice your physical body.
Sense what is automatically going on.
Observe without fixing anything or finding anything "wrong.
" Is your physical body relaxed and open, or are muscles tense, heavy, or tight? Notice where you hold your energy and attention as you encounter various situations.
Sometimes we hold ourselves up high in our heads with unconsciously tightened neck muscles and shallow breathing.
We speak, think, and react without checking in with ourselves.
Observe whether your heart is soft, open and full, receiving all the love available to you.
Or, whether it is guarded, hardened, hidden, or even numb.
The state of your heart affects the focus you are able to offer personal desires, the energy flowing into your arms for action, and the compassion given to your words.
With your feet firmly on the ground, notice if you feel connected to the Earth's supportive energies.
Do you feel able to give expression to your true feelings and desires? Sense how alive you are in this moment, how deeply you are breathing, how freely life energy flows, and how open and full your heart is.
Take the time to regularly observe yourself, and notice what is going on with your body.
Consider asking yourself, "What do I believe that I would hold my body in this manner?" The quickest path to joy is this process of physical awareness, of consciously noticing what tensions we are holding that restrict breathing, flow, and creative expression.
Notice and breathe.

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