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The Liver and Its Effects on Acne

103 46
The liver is an amazing organ.
Its primary responsibility is to get rid of excessive toxins in the body.
After the liver detoxifies the blood, the blood flows through the body allowing oxygen and nutrients to be delivered.
The foods we eat and the products we take make the liver's job more difficult.
Constipation puts extra strain on the liver as it tries to get rid of the extra toxins.
When the liver isn't able to expel all the toxins, they are released into the skin, which can cause acne.
Foods high in additives and unhealthy ingredients play havoc on your system and your skin.
Every toxin in the body from excess and used hormones and old cells are released through the lymphatic system into the liver.
Once the toxins are in the liver, it works hard to get rid of these toxins.
If the liver has too many toxins and can not expel them, the toxins go to the weaker parts of your body, such as the skin.
This can lead to break outs.
The liver does not neutralize everything.
For example, a certain hormone called androgens does not get diffused.
These add up and produce sebum, an oil producing hormone.
A certain amount of sebum is needed; however, excess amounts of sebum can result in acne.
Eating a diet high in junk food add many toxins that add up in your liver, blood and colon.
Your face will pay the price for the additives in the junk food that can not be neutralized.

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