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A Very Simple Way to Cure Your Acne

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In this brief article you will discover a very simple way to cure your acne.
This information was hard fought as I had suffered from acne for many years and tried many ways to cure it that were unsuccessful.
It wasn't until I learned what you're about to read that I cleared my skin...
I have spent thousands of phony acne cures but none of them worked except to empty my wallet.
Here is a simple way to clear your acne: Changed your diet.
Simple huh? Well let me explain a bit more.
The root cause of acne is hormonal inflammation, and most of this is caused by the food you eat.
Some foods cause hormonal inflammation and some fight against it.
Simply reduce the ones that cause hormonal inflammation and increase the ones that fight against it...
So which food is the worst for causing hormonal inflammation? In my experience it is vegetable oil.
This is found as a cooking oil and in lots of junk food.
Simply cutting these out of your diet can often result in miraculous acne clearing results.
Vegetable oil is absolutely the worst food to eat if you want clear skin.
Bar none.
This leads us to the best food to eat to fight against hormonal inflammation.
Which is green vegetables.
These contain ample amounts of anti-inflammatory nutrients like vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
Get yourself some good portions of these green vegetables everyday and I guarantee clearer skin.
For more information on how to clear your acne visit my free website now.

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