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5 Must Have Tips For Clearing Acne - Get Natural Glowing Skin Starting Today

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If you have acne but want natural glowing skin, then this article is for you.
The following 5 tips will help you tremendously.
But, only if you take action! 1.
Make Sleep a Top Priority
Get 8 hours of adequate sleep every night.
Doing this will increase your chances of having natural glowing skin significantly.
Your body releases toxins throughout the night, helping the acne healing process.
One Mug of Green Tea A Day
About a month ago I started to drink one mug of green tea a day.
Why? Because it is full of antioxidants that will help prevent free radical damage.
This is key for beautiful skin.
Quit drinking coffee and instead drink one cup of green tea.
I prefer mine hot, but cold is okay too.
Meditate Daily
I personally meditate every day.
It is my favorite way to release stress.
It slows down my life and allows me to appreciate all the abundance that is present.
It allows me to look at life a new way.
It creates a positive vibration that has a strong impact on the complexion of my skin.
Play More
This is one I really need to work on.
In today's life we are way too busy.
Play, simply doing something you love, is vitally important for good health.
By playing more you will be less stressed, more happy, more healthy, and your skin will thank you tremendously.
Eat More Greens
Greens, such as spinach, kale, and collared greens, are the most nutrient dense food on the planet.
They are full of beautifying minerals and vitamins and are stuffed with antioxidants.
A great way to consume greens is through a green smoothie and a big salad.
I personally enjoy both of these on an almost daily basis.
Use the tips above and start your journey to natural glowing skin today! Are You Interested In More FREE Acne Advice From Me?

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