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Fight Acne with Zinc. Here"s How it Works

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Who knew that you could fight acne with zinc? Zinc is a common mineral that exists in many of the whole foods we consume regularly. However, not many people consume enough zinc. Recently studies have shown that zinc is able to heal the skin in more ways than one!

Some of the delicious foods that contain zinc include pumpkin seeds, eggs, burdock root, cayenne pepper, chamomile, and many others. Zinc produces energy, regulates insulin, and helps the heart. It is also needed in men to promote prostate health. Of course, on top of all of those miraculous benefits – it cures acne. So how does it fight acne? By regulating your hormones and promoting a "healing" effect on the body.

When you take zinc you are basically ingesting one of the necessary metals we need to survive. When paired with other nutrients like omega-3s and necessary vitamins, zinc regulates your body and slows oil production, lowers stress, and most of all has a magical healing property for scars, sickness, and acne. The benefits are usually noticeable within a month. You should always be sure to not take excess zinc, because side effects can include inability to taste or smell properly, and other damages to your organs. Over dosing on zinc isn't likely unless you take extreme doses. Expected results include a boost in skin radiance, healthy skin from the core to the surface, and a reduction in scarring and sebum. Inflammation may also be reduced.

Plenty of products are available that contain zinc and other minerals designed to boost your body's ability to fight acne. Using zinc is a fantastic all natural method, but should be monitored carefully. To get extra zinc into your diet you can either consume vitamins that contain them, or eat power foods that have high levels of zinc!

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