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How to Cure Intestinal Tuberculosis

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    • 1). Confirm that you have this condition. Your doctor will perform an X-ray, a CT scan or a blood test to confirm a diagnosis. Once it is confirmed, the doctor will create a treatment plan to cure this condition.

    • 2). Get a prescription for antibiotics. The bacteria that causes tuberculosis takes a long time to grow, which means you'll have to take an antibiotic for several months. Treatment is usually administered until all symptoms are totally gone. If a person stops taking antibiotics too soon, the condition may return. Also, your doctor may elect to give you two different antibiotics, which may be more effective.

    • 3). Pay attention to medication side effects. Some antibiotics used to treat intestinal tuberculosis can have very serious side effects, such as liver damage. Report any side effects to your doctor immediately.

    • 4). Contact your doctor if symptoms persist. If you continue to have symptoms after the antibiotics have run their course, make sure to contact your doctor right away. In severe cases, this condition can cause obstruction in the intestines or internal bleeding.


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