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Back Pain Relief ExerciseExercise To Avoid Back Pain

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Back pain relief exercise is of utmost importance in todays busy world. With the rise of the BPO and call center jobs, where employees have to sit at one position for hours, back pain is the natural outcome. There are several reasons for back pain, namely sitting in one position for a long time, sleeping in incorrect postures, muscle pull, lifting up weight abruptly, bending down and many others. Another cause for back pain is inactivity and lack of a proper diet and exercise regime. Therefore, if you are leading a sedentary lifestyle then it is important that you consider some back pain relief exercise even if you do not have any symptoms of the same yet. This will not only give you a proper posture but also help you in preventing spine pain at an early stage.

Medical science has progressed manifold. There have been new researches and discoveries. As a result of which, there have been significant development in remedies related to back ache and spine sores. People can reap the benefits of back pain relief equipments that are available in the market at affordable prices. For instance, a neck pillow will provide comfort to you when you are working in office, or reclining back on the sofa to watch television, more so if you have a neck pain. These apart, other cures that are available are holistic in nature. For instance, you can also use the heat/cold treatment that has been inspired from the early days of heat and cold compressor packs. Back pain relief exercise too can be supplemented with some equipment that would add proper alignment to your body and reduce the stress if any. A stretch riser set is a perfect example in this regard. Other equipments include an exercise DVD and message gels.

However, talking about back pain relief exercises, there are a selected few from which you can derive maximum benefit. They are namely:-

a) Arm Circles

b) Vertical Arcs

c) Horizontal Arcs

d) Mini Crunch

These set of exercises work on your hands, arms, shoulders, neck and spine and helps you attain a healthy posture over time with regular practice.

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