GNC Multivitamins Are Just One Way To Fight Off The Flu!
Taking your GNC Multivitamins [] is very important in fighting off the flu, because they provide plenty of zinc, vitamin E and vitamin C, and these nutrients may help support your natural resistance. If your daily diet doesn't provide the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables GNC multivitamins are a great supplement, because A balanced diet can give your immune system a better chance to fight off the germs that cause illnesses, but we always don't eat right. How else should you protect yourself? Many people opt to get a flu shot to protect themselves. Get more sleep. The body repairs and restores itself during sleep, and the average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night. By not getting enough sleep, the body isn't prepared to handle the stresses placed on it the next day. A lack of sleep also puts a strain on the body's immune system, leaving you vulnerable to cold and flu viruses.
Starting out the day by taking your GNC Multivitamins []should be coupled with regular exercise. Research has shown over and over the impact that adequate physical activity has on our health. A study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health showed that short-duration, low-intensity exercise can significantly increase the number and activity of disease-fighting immune system cells. Always remember what we've been told since we were small Wash your hands - a lot! Cold and flu germs can be passed by touching surfaces such as doorknobs and telephones, or by shaking hands with someone who is infected. Once your hands are contaminated, rubbing your nose, mouth or eyes makes it easy for cold and flu viruses to enter the body. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends regularly scrubbing your hands with warm, soapy water for about 15 seconds. It's all up to you to take care of your body, because it the only one you have!
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Starting out the day by taking your GNC Multivitamins []should be coupled with regular exercise. Research has shown over and over the impact that adequate physical activity has on our health. A study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health showed that short-duration, low-intensity exercise can significantly increase the number and activity of disease-fighting immune system cells. Always remember what we've been told since we were small Wash your hands - a lot! Cold and flu germs can be passed by touching surfaces such as doorknobs and telephones, or by shaking hands with someone who is infected. Once your hands are contaminated, rubbing your nose, mouth or eyes makes it easy for cold and flu viruses to enter the body. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends regularly scrubbing your hands with warm, soapy water for about 15 seconds. It's all up to you to take care of your body, because it the only one you have!
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