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Lose Weight Fast - Deadlifts Will Build A Strong Back And Tight Glutes and Hamstrings

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One of the most overlooked exercises in the gym is the deadlift although it is a staple of any serious fitness buff. And why wouldn't it be? It builds three of the most underdeveloped muscles; the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. Many of us concentrate on what we see in the mirror but building strength in these three muscles will set the stage for a serious body transformation. Besides building muscle the deadlift workouts your body as a whole, stressing the nervous system.
Putting a high demand on your body to perform is how you lose weight fast.

These muscles together (in addition to the calves) are referred to as the posterior chain. Developing a strong posterior chain will make you faster as well as help prevent injury as two of the most injured areas tend to be the lower back and hamstrings. For those of us who aren't athletes, being faster may not be of the utmost importance, but being easily able to handle chores around the house with a greatly reduced risk of injury is a big plus.

When you learn to deadlift properly you are learning to lift weight with your hips. Yes your lower back and legs help out, but the primary lifter is the hips which is where our real strength lies. When you learn to lift with your hips you reduce the risk of injury each and every time you lift. This skill will apply in real life. Whether it is picking up your child, a sack of potatoes, or shoveling snow from the driveway, learning to lift with your hips will help protect your lower back.

So what is the deadlift and how do you do it? The deadlift is the movement of gripping a loaded barbell from the ground and standing straight up with it. It's that simple. Let's start from the beginning. You have a loaded barbell on the ground. The best height for the bar is when you are using 45lb plates as they have the largest diameter so the bar is as high off the ground as possible. But two 45lb plates on an Olympic bar weighs 135lbs. That may be way too heavy for many beginners. The alternative is to use Olympic lifting weights where the 22lb, 33lb, and 44lb plates are all the same diameter as traditional 45lb plates. Or you can use plywood cut outs that are measured to be the same diameter as a 45lb plate.

Once you have selected the appropriate starting weight (err on the side of too light rather than too heavy) it is time to deadlift. Stand in front of the bar with the bar standing roughly over your toes. Your stance should be about shoulder width. Bend down and grab the bar with a grip a little wider than shoulder width. Your grip should be an overhand grip. Now bend down and slowly drop your hips until your shins are touching the bar. Make sure your spine is straight from the crown of your head to the bottom of your sacrum.

It is now time to lift the bar off the ground. Lean back or in other words have the sensation that you are sitting back. As you do this, pull the bar with you dragging it along your shins, then thighs. At the top of the lift your arms are hanging by your sides holding onto the barbell and your spine is stacked straight up vertically. Do not lean back, rather stand straight and pull your shoulders back slightly so you are not hunching.

To drop the bar slowly lower it down your thighs and as you pass the knees let it drop over. Now, and this is important, start to reset to begin the lift all over again, each and every drop your hips until the bar is touching your shins, lean back as if you are sitting and begin to pull the bar up.

One tip, remember that as you lift your weight should not be on the front of your foot. Rather it should be somewhere between the centre and back of your foot. If the weight is on the front of your foot, you are lifting with your lower back, not your hips.

Another key to injury prevention is having balanced strength throughout the body. So compliment deadlifts with exercises for the opposing muscle groups; abdominals and quadriceps.

You will find that becoming strong in the deadlift will make you look great (a seriously great butt developer), it will make your very strong (the strongest area of your body is your hips) and it will prevent injury. If you want to know how to lose weight quickly you have to make the most of your time in the gym. Doing the most challenging lifts such as deadlifts, squats, bench presses, chin ups, and overhead presses are the quickest route to developing muscle and burning fat.

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