Eat For Energy!
Do you need a coffee to wake up in the morning? Do you need a sugar hit in the afternoon to avoid the arvo slump? Well you are not alone.
In our fast paced world, we all feel the need to be our best at every moment.
We need lots of energy to perform at our best and it is easy to turn to artificial stimulants to keep us running at full pace, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Changing your diet can make a big difference to your energy levels.
Below are some simple tips that will keep your energy levels up and raring to go.
Never Skip Breakfast The most important meal of the day for energy levels.
Eating breakfast will kick start your metabolism.
The danger of skipping breakfast is that there is more chance of binging later in the day as your energy levels drop.
Eat small meals more often Eating smaller amounts more often means that you are less likely to overeat.
Go easy on sugary foods It may seem like a sugar hit mid afternoon will keep your energy levels up.
The initial energy spike is soon followed by an energy slump as your blood sugar levels drop.
Sugary foods provide little or no nutrients and contain empty calories, which does nothing for those trying to maintain a healthy weight.
Steady on the carbs Having a meal piled high with refined carbohydrates can really cause your energy levels to drop.
Eating large amounts of refined carbohydrates causes your insulin levels to rise and your blood sugar levels to drop leaving you tired and lethargic.
Better carb choices are whole grain breads, brown rice and beans or lentils.
Eat iron rich foods Women often don't eat enough iron rich foods.
Iron is important nutrient that helps with the quality of your blood and in return, your energy levels.
Foods high in iron are lean meats, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and molasses.
Lesser sources are strawberries, green peas, chicken, salmon, almonds, avocados, egg yolks and wheat bran.
Eat protein Adding protein to your daily meals is a great way to keep you fuller for longer and help keep your brain ticking over in the afternoon.
Protein is the second most abundant substance in the body and is vital for all your organs, including brain function.
In adults protein deficiency may result in lack of vigour and stamina, mental depression, weakness and poor resistance to infection.
Try snacking in between meals on quick and easy high protein treats.
Almonds, brazil nuts, pecans, walnuts, yoghurt, small tins of tuna and protein drink are all fantastic ways to keep your alert all day.
Drink plenty of water Water is the most plentiful substance in the body.
It is important in every function of the body, so making sure we drink enough water is crucial to having our body and brain working at optimum level.
Most people don't drink enough water.
There are many symptoms of being dehydrated.
One of them is tiredness.
One way to work out how much water you should be drinking every day is to times your weight in Kilograms by 0.
333 and that will be your amount.
Sleep plenty Nothing beats 7-8 hours of sleep a night for feeling great all day.
Aim for going to bed and getting up at the same time each day.
Exercise! Boost your energy levels with a 30-minute walk three times a week.
Three weights sessions per week will really get your metabolism charging and keep you feeling energised.
In our fast paced world, we all feel the need to be our best at every moment.
We need lots of energy to perform at our best and it is easy to turn to artificial stimulants to keep us running at full pace, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Changing your diet can make a big difference to your energy levels.
Below are some simple tips that will keep your energy levels up and raring to go.
Never Skip Breakfast The most important meal of the day for energy levels.
Eating breakfast will kick start your metabolism.
The danger of skipping breakfast is that there is more chance of binging later in the day as your energy levels drop.
Eat small meals more often Eating smaller amounts more often means that you are less likely to overeat.
Go easy on sugary foods It may seem like a sugar hit mid afternoon will keep your energy levels up.
The initial energy spike is soon followed by an energy slump as your blood sugar levels drop.
Sugary foods provide little or no nutrients and contain empty calories, which does nothing for those trying to maintain a healthy weight.
Steady on the carbs Having a meal piled high with refined carbohydrates can really cause your energy levels to drop.
Eating large amounts of refined carbohydrates causes your insulin levels to rise and your blood sugar levels to drop leaving you tired and lethargic.
Better carb choices are whole grain breads, brown rice and beans or lentils.
Eat iron rich foods Women often don't eat enough iron rich foods.
Iron is important nutrient that helps with the quality of your blood and in return, your energy levels.
Foods high in iron are lean meats, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and molasses.
Lesser sources are strawberries, green peas, chicken, salmon, almonds, avocados, egg yolks and wheat bran.
Eat protein Adding protein to your daily meals is a great way to keep you fuller for longer and help keep your brain ticking over in the afternoon.
Protein is the second most abundant substance in the body and is vital for all your organs, including brain function.
In adults protein deficiency may result in lack of vigour and stamina, mental depression, weakness and poor resistance to infection.
Try snacking in between meals on quick and easy high protein treats.
Almonds, brazil nuts, pecans, walnuts, yoghurt, small tins of tuna and protein drink are all fantastic ways to keep your alert all day.
Drink plenty of water Water is the most plentiful substance in the body.
It is important in every function of the body, so making sure we drink enough water is crucial to having our body and brain working at optimum level.
Most people don't drink enough water.
There are many symptoms of being dehydrated.
One of them is tiredness.
One way to work out how much water you should be drinking every day is to times your weight in Kilograms by 0.
333 and that will be your amount.
Sleep plenty Nothing beats 7-8 hours of sleep a night for feeling great all day.
Aim for going to bed and getting up at the same time each day.
Exercise! Boost your energy levels with a 30-minute walk three times a week.
Three weights sessions per week will really get your metabolism charging and keep you feeling energised.