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Ridding PTSD Emotions Is Like Constantly Drinking Ice Water On A Hot Humid Day

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Just when we think we have PTSD under control Satan steps in.
It actually is a deliberate attack to prevent us from a new life to begin.

The fallen one is notorious for trying to keep even Christ from His mission.
We are not only tested on what we say and do, but on our omission.

The latter is a subtle kind where if we forget to pray things will not go our way.
Our lives can become distraught and we leave out essential time to pray.

This is where the devil has delight to give us dithers to overcome.
It is meant to keep us from concentrating that is consuming for some.

When the Ancients were under attack from the enemy they had a plan in place.
They actively fortified their home fort, while keeping their soul still with grace.

The title here is an analogy of keeping our pace while commissioned for God's race.
If we know we are thirsty on a humid day we replenish the fluids lost from the pace.

Sometimes we neglect to fill ourselves with living water when our souls are dry.
Then we become weary and withered inside no longer wanting to try.

Our minds become open to reliving negative emotions with a spiritual thirst.
A holy strategy is to proclaim the Lord to be our salvation that fills us to burst!

Contemplating all of Psalm 27 will keep us from former fear.
The message is to seek God's face that delivers us from the devil that is clear.

When the darkness has you all around the Lord tells us to sing praises to him.
Doing so will clear the negative air freeing and filling us with joy to the brim!

No longer are pails of water to clean us heavy to make us faint.
Waiting on the Lord renews our strength to do His will without complaint.

Psalm 94: 1,14-23 confirms that nothing is hidden from our Creator indeed.
When accosted by Satan's clan have courage and faith to succeed.

The joy that was worked so hard for will not be lost through others' iniquity.
The Law of God will fend off distraction as we are assured of strength you see.

The ultimate strategy is to be aware of the gifts we have been given big and small.
Having a grateful heart with praising prose and poetry will keep us upright after all.

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