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Unhealthy Fad Diets - Why Are They Bad?

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Introduction: Unhealthy fad diets are becoming very popular nowadays.
These can pose serious health problems for people.
In this article I want to point out just a few negative effects of unhealthy fad diets and some tips for healthy proper dieting.
People may wonder why fad diets are bad.
It might seem to the novice observer that these fad diets work in reducing weight.
However the problem is that most of the time, this weight loss doesn't last long.
It is just temporary.
Most of the time you just lose water which you might gain back as soon as you get off the diet.
Many crash diets which claim that you will lose weight fast are usually just over-hyped claims.
Even if some of them do work, it might also come with some other bad side-effects for your health.
So you have to be careful of them.
If you want to lose weight, it is better to opt for proper dieting methods.
You should also try and add exercise program for weight loss.
Combining a healthy balanced and proper diet with some exercise is the better way to try and lose weight.
Another problem is that most of these consist of eating just one type of food which does not constitute a balanced diet and might result in deficiency of other important nutrients.
Most fad diets do not follow recommendations of the American Heart Association and similar bodies for fat levels in the diet.
Quick weight loss fad diets are just a temporary solution and are not of much help in making permanent changes to your eating habits.
A Few Tips for Health Eating: It is better to cultivate good eating habits and lifestyle changes for the better.
Eat more fruits and vegetables as they are very healthy and also help to lose weight.
Read this article about how fruits and vegetables are good for losing pounds - Fruits and Vegetables in Weight Loss Drink lots of water.
Water is good for health.
Do walking on regular basis.
Walking gives exercise to almost every muscle in the human body besides improving blood circulation.
There is one diet program which has received a lot of positive response and feedback from people who tried it.
It doesn't seem to be unhealthy and over-hyped as other such programs.
You might have heard of it.
It is called "Fat Loss 4 Idiots".
Read my full review of the program here: Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Does it Work?

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