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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Depression & Anxiety

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    • CBT is not a generalized treatment. CBT methods are specifically tailored for different types of anxiety and depression.

    Cognitive Treatment

    • Cognitive treatment is one tenet of CBT, and it involves rewiring negative thoughts into positive ones. This method is rooted in the idea that thoughts stimulate moods.

    Behavioral Therapy

    • Behavioral therapy, the second tenet of CBT, is often called "exposure therapy." It involves exposing yourself gradually to healthy behaviors.

    Anxiety and CBT

    • CBT is considered the most effective long-term treatment for anxiety. Medications can temporarily curb the physical manifestations of anxiety, but they do not stop the destructive thought processes that cause anxiety to begin with.

    Depression and CBT

    • Studies show CBT to be just as effective as medication in treating depression. But an advantage of CBT is that unlike medication, therapy does not have side effects.


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