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Jojoba Oil Effects

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    Keeps Hair Healthy

    • People who suffer from damaged hair or a scaly scalp can benefit from jojoba oil. It deeply penetrates the hair shaft and scalp and can dissolve everyday build-up that comes from using hair products. With continued use, jojoba oil provides a natural shine while keeping hair clean and healthy. Jojoba oil also works as a leave-in conditioner to treat dry hair. Simply mix the jojoba oil with one cup of water and comb through your hair to enjoy the benefits.

    Heals Skin

    • Native Americans have used jojoba oil to help heal wounds and sores. Jojoba oil promotes the healing of the skin in several ways since it has antimicrobial properties. It discourages the growth of some bacterial and fungal microbes that attack the skin. Since jojoba oil resembles the body's natural oils, it rarely causes allergic reactions and can be easily absorbed.

    Treats Eczema and Acne

    • Jojoba oil is useful in treating eczema and acne. It is ideal for people with sensitive skin because it is hypoallergenic. Frequent use of jojoba oil reinforces the epidermis and heals flare-ups on the skin. Since it blends in naturally with the skin, jojoba oil stops over-production of oil from the body. People who over-secrete sebum have oily skin. Jojoba oil also treats those with fine lines and softens rough skin.


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