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2 Simple Lower Body Exercises to Keep You Fit and Strong

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If you are trying to keep fit it is important that you have an overall fitness exercise regime.
This should include a variety of exercises that include cardiovascular and strength training.
In this article I am going to focus on two strength training exercises that you can include into your training program.
These are very effective at building your lower body.
The great thing is you do not have to go to a gym or use expensive exercise equipment to perform these exercises.
Both of them can be done in the comfort and warmth of your own home.
They can also easily be done in a local park or playground if you prefer doing your training outdoors.
The 2 lower body exercises we are going to look at are 2 varieties of the squat as follows: The One-Legged Squat This simple but effective exercise focuses on building strength in the quads, glutes and hamstrings.
As well as building strength in those muscle groups this exercise will also help to strengthen your balance in your lower legs.
Begin the exercise by removing either your left or right foot off the floor.
Make sure your knee of the supporting leg is slightly bent.
Bend the supporting knee to about 45 degrees and let your torso bend forwards as you lower your body.
Make sure your knee keeps in line with your foot.
Try not to roll it in or outwards.
Stretch out each of your arms to act as a pair of stabilisers to help balance your body.
Lower your body as low as you possibility can.
If it is too uncomfortable then do not lower any further.
When you have bent as far as you comfortably can pause and straighten the body and then repeat the exercise.
Try and do ten of these if you can.
Do them slowly and focus on getting the technique right.
You can increase the number of reps as you build up your leg strength.
The Squat Jump This version of the squat exercise is more advanced.
The squat jump involves speed and developing power in to your glutes, quads and hamstring muscles.
To begin the exercise place both your feet hip distance apart.
Ensure the feet are flat and firmly on the ground.
Keep both arms straight and close to the side of your body with the fingers pointing down and your head looking forward.
Begin to bend your knees and lower your body until the tips of your fingers touch the back of your ankles.
When you reach this position jump upwards into the air and then land back into the squat position and touch the back of your ankles between each repetition If you have any medical condition or injury then always consult a doctor or physician for advice before doing any new type of exercises.

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