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Quick Weight Loss Plan - Drop a Couple of Pounds in the Short Term!

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Most people and gurus out there will tell you: "quick weight loss plans are bad! You must always aim for the long term!" but what happens when you just want to drop 5 pounds for a wedding or something like that? In this case, a quick weight loss plan becomes very useful.
I think that there are a few ways to do it and here are 3 of them.
Before you read or take any action upon those ways, be sure that some of them won't be highly praised by your doctor! (Or health insurance company) Let's dive in: 1) Fasting - it's so obvious isn't it? The best quick weight loss plan is to stop eating at all! I mean no food=no fat, right? That's why many fat guys in the army lose so much weight: they barely eat, barely sleep and they're up all day doing chores.
Now keep in mind that it's not a religious fasting we're talking about here, so you can drink water but not juice or soda drinks! And if you really feel like you're about to die you can have a cucumber too is remember, it's not the easiest weight loss plan out there because it takes will power to follow it through, but it's a damn quick one for sure! 2) Speed up your metabolism - if you want to pump up any quick weight loss plan and to make your efforts not be in vain, you must speed up your metabolism.
One of the best ways to do it Is to have 5 small meals along the day.
Now remember that you must make those meals to be a nutritious as possible.
I personally love avocado salads (and I can eat 5 of them each day) and I bet you have something like that as well.
3) Go for the long term, seriously - I know it was supposed to be an article about a quick weight loss plan for the short term, but I can tell you honestly that all the pounds you'll drop in any weight loss plan you'll try, will end up coming back.
That's just the way it is.
So the best thing is to plan on the long term when you're planning to lose weight and get the body that you deserve.
I hope you liked my article and learned a few useful insights that will help you with your quest for the perfect body!

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