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Are All Carbohydrates Bad? The Truth Revealed!

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Lack of education and incorrect hype is spreading the message that carbs are the enemy when in fact they are necessary, you just need to eat the right ones.
There is a reason the Food Guide Pyramid advises up to 11 servings of bread, cereals, and pastas; you need them.
The proper carbohydrates will give you the energy you need to get through your day.
There are good carbs and there are bad carbs.
The bad carbohydrates: Processed foods are made up of healthy carbs that have been modified and made with chemicals so that all of their nutritional value is lost and you are left with empty calories, very little nutrition, and fat about to be stored on you.
Most of these foods are loaded with sugar and depleted of fiber so you are just eating junk food that your body doesn't metabolize correctly.
This also increases your risk of diabetes because these foods elevate your blood sugar too high.
Bad carbs include: chips, white bread and pasta, soft drinks, candy, and pastries, these should be avoided.
The good carbs: Good carbohydrates are natural foods like fruits and vegetables, legumes, seeds, whole wheat pastas and breads, and whole grain products.
These foods are slowly digested and contain lots of fiber so they are burned instead of stored; therefore you are eating less fat and snacking less often.
To conclude, carbohydrates aren't all good or bad.
While many types promote good health, others, when consumed plentifully and often, may increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
So if you like carbohydrates then as long as you are eating the right ones, feel free to eat them and you will have fewer weight issues, fewer sugary cravings, and a healthy digestive system.
The best part is they contribute to healthy and quicker weight loss.

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