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Best Diet For Beginners - Easy, Simple Diet For Beginners

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Are you new to the huge world of weight loss? If so then I'm sure you're already overwhelmed by the amount of options that exist for you.
This article today will help you in one matter, diets and how to diet.
Dieting is never an easy subject for someone who is new to the concept.
The idea of taking away foods you never thought twice about eating before can seem strange and frustrating.
Fortunately though I'll discuss an easy and simple diet for beginners that you can start as soon as today! So tell me what is an easy and simple diet for a beginner? The diet is called calorie shifting and why it's such an easy diet for beginners is because it actually rewards you for eating, you see it changes the way your body works so you burn calories by eating food instead of starving yourself.
Effectively what you do in this diet is change the types of foods you eat on a day to day basis, this keeps your metabolism guessing and never resting, constantly burning fat.
You see when you eat the same foods day after day, even if they're low calorie or even relatively healthy your metabolism eventually catches onto the pattern and relaxes.
You then stop burning fat and end up starving yourself for nothing.
The beauty with calorie shifting is by eating you stimulate your metabolism every time because it never adapts so it just assumes whatever you are eating needs to be burned off immediately and boosts up as a result.
Conclusion Nothing that exists at the moment can beat calorie shifting as a diet for this simple reason.
It is the only diet where when you stop, you continue to burn fat regardless.
No other diet can make this claim, after all the hard work you put into diets that make you starve as soon as you quit the weight starts coming back on, why? Because you've taught your body that through starving yourself you can burn fat, which doesn't make sense because eventually you'll begin eating regularly again and when you do your metabolism just acts as though it isn't needed and shuts off.
For permanent results calorie shifting is currently unmatched, and its easy to do with many software programs that calculate everything and tell you exactly what it is to eat from day to day so you don't even have to think about it.

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