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Lose Weight, Gain Back Your Life

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I'm going to share with you a simple but very life changing technique that will change the many years of overeating, emotional eating or yoyo diets.
It has changed my life and the lives of all those who have undertaken my program.
In order to move forward you need to look back.
Back on the things that keep reoccurring that stop you from breaking through those overeating barriers which are: Fanatical Dieting, Emotional Eating and Conditioning (see my article '3 reason why we fail at dieting'.
For those who live in the '3 reasons why we fail at dieting' mode, I am going to share with you for FREE a very simple technique to overcome it.
It doesn't matter whether you believe in it or not.
All you have to do is do it and you will start to have changes instantaneously.
Fanatical dieters Scientific research shows 90% of people who attempt to lose weight FAIL and how do the 90% of people who fail feel...
like failures, but they keep dieting anyway thinking the next diet will be the one that works.
Some success, then no success and although some weight may have been lost it all gets piled back on again...
making you feel once again like a failure.
Let me make one thing quite clear.
You are not stupid, dumb or lazy.
Losing weight has nothing to do with will power or lack of it.
So get that information out of your head.
Emotional Eating Emotional eating is the second most proven reason for overeating, causing obesity in the world.
Eating because of boredom, loneliness, being miserable, tired and a million and one other reasons - none of which has anything to do with physical hunger.
Emotional eating is a nagging, get rid of the nagging and no more emotional eating.
Conditioning Basically over a period of time of overeating you have conditioned your mind and body to be that way.
No amount of dieting, will power, pills and shakes can change that.
The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to change the way you think about food and your relationship with it.
It's about reprogramming our mind and body again.
Solution Emotional Freedom Technique!I'm not going to go into the how to's ,where for's or history of Emotional Freedom Technique.
You can go to my website for that.
Basically the precept of this technique is 'the cause of all negative emotion is a block in the body's energy system'.
Get rid of the block and you nullify the emotion.
Once again to utilize this technique you only need DO IT! You don't have to believe in it that really doesn't matter but to get the full benefits of it you do need to DO IT! Emotional Freedom Technique works by tapping on parts of the body's energy meridian and speaking some affirmations.
No pills, No shakes, No exercise equipment, No drugs, No side effects, No money passing hands...
just the technique.
Tapping You will be using your pointer and middle fingers from either hand to do the tapping.
At each meridian you will tap 7 times, give or take this method is very forgiving.
The Setup The most important part of the technique is the setup.
To do this we say an affirmation whilst tapping or rubbing a particular spot.
For the purpose of this exercise I am going to show you the karate chop set up.
If you have a look at your hand, palm facing you, look at the side of the hand from the top of the pinky finger down to the wrist.
Just above the wrist is a flesh part where one would normally do a karate chop...
have you found it.
If so this is the area you will tap using you pointer and middle fingers.
so now that we have all of that out of the way I want you to tap you karate spot for practice.
Basic Recipe - The Meridians The meridians are as follow, try and find it on your body as I mention it.
Practice a little so you become familiar with them.
Eye Brow - this is the beginning of the eyebrow above the nose 2.
Side of Eye - this can be found the bone at the end of the eyebrow 3.
Under Eye - on the cheekbone under the eye 4.
Under Nose- under the nose above the top lip 5.
Chin - the crevasse between the lower lip and the chin 6.
Collar bone - just under the collar bone 7.
Armpit - halfway down under the armpit 8.
Thumb - under the nail of the thumb 9.
Pointer finger- bottom side of the nail facing the thumb 10.
Middle finger - bottom side of the nail facing the thumb 11.
Little finger - bottom side of the nail facing the thumb Repeat 1 to 7 The Affirmation Statements Whilst tapping your karate spot you say an affirmation that is specific to you.
Where there are blanks you fill in the reason.
For the purpose of this exercise we are going to work on a particular food craving of yours.
What I want you to do is go buy yourself what ever it is you craving, keeping in mind you may not want to eat it when you finish this exercise.
Before you start this exercise I want you to rate your desire to want what ever it is you have a craving for.
I want you to smell it and savor the smell.
I want you to have a small bite.
Now on a scale from 0 - 10, 0 being no craving, 10 being crave it, write it down on a piece of paper for later reference.
The Statement Whilst tapping your karate spot say the following affirmation as loud as you possibly can, if you can't say it out loud, say it loud in your mind.
Repeat the affirmation and tapping 3 times.
"Even though I have a craving for..
I deeply and completely accept myself"Repeat 2 more times Now follow the Basic Recipe, whilst tapping at each meridian say "craving for ..
" "Even though I still have a craving for..
I deeply and completely accept myself" When you finish rate yourself from 0 - 10 again and write it down.
You should notice a shift in your desire to eat what ever it is you desire, even to the point it no longer taste the same to you.
If you haven't reached a 0, repeat this exercise again.
The Emotional Freedom Technique works equally well on the '3 reasons why we fail at dieting', this can be overcome using my highly successful Gain Back Your Life - Lose Weight Program.
If you have any comments of how you went or need some assistance, go to my website for contact details.
Happy recovery because today you have started to gain back your life.

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